Implementation of N-Grammer: Augmenting Transformers with latent n-grams in Flax
from n_grammer_flax.n_grammer_flax import PQNgrammer
import jax
key0, key1, key2 = jax.random.split(random.PRNGKey(0), 3)
init_rngs = {'params': key1,
'batch_stats': key2}
x = jax.random.normal(key0, shape=(1, 1024, 32 * 16))
pq_ngram = PQNgrammer(
num_clusters = 1024, # number of clusters
num_heads = 16, # number of attention heads
dim_per_head = 32, # dimensions of each attention head
ngram_vocab_size = 768 * 256, #ngram vocab size
ngram_emb_dim= 16, # ngram embedding
decay = 0.99)
init_variables = pq_ngram.init(init_rngs, x)
out,mutated_variables =pq_ngram.apply(init_variables,x, mutable=['batch_stats'])
print('mutated variables.shape:\n', jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.shape, mutated_variables))
print('output.shape:\n', out.shape)
mutated variables.shape:
batch_stats: {
ProductQuantization_0: {
means: (32, 1024, 16),
(1, 1024, 512)
This Project is enabled by TRC program. Thank you google!
Thanks for lucidrains's concise implementation of N-Grammer in pytorch. n-grammer-flax
is inspired by and tested against (see
for more details ) his project.
also inspired by the official jax implementation:
title = {N-grammer: Augmenting Transformers with latent n-grams},
author = {Aurko Roy and Rohan Anil and Guangda Lai and Benjamin Lee and Jeffrey Zhao and Shuyuan Zhang and Shibo Wang and Ye Zhang and Shen Wu and Rigel Swavely and Tao (Alex)Yu and Phuong Dao and Christopher Fifty and Zhifeng Chen and Yonghui Wu},
year = {2021},
url = {}