Hello Everyone, This is my First Project For you all
Let me explain why In here you can edit your videos using python, For that i have create this program it is completely free and 100% python you need to change some requirements and then you can use this tool
Step - 1 :
Install the imagemagick
Step - 2 : copy the path of the file from the directory : C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.1.1-Q16-HDRI\magick.exe
I have mentioned the file name in the code you have look through it.
Step - 3 :
Create your CSV i have added a code for it and explain video there
STEP 4 : Add logo path to get the logo
STEP - 5 : If you have one file then you can run the File One_file_convertor.py If you have Multiple files then you can create a CSV file and add it to the directory and run this file Youtube_editor.py