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This site is a meeting point for companies and truck drivers. Owners of empty trucks or transport vehicles can easily communicate with companies in need of transport. This site aims to establish an efficient and fast connection between the two parties, allowing both truck drivers and companies to save time and money.

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This project uses React and Next.js for building the front end. Tailwind CSS is utilized for styling, while MongoDB serves as the NoSQL database for data storage. WorkOS is integrated for authentication, Lucide React provides an icon library, react-timeago is used to display timestamps in a "time ago" format.


  • React: JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces with reusable components.

  • Next.js: React framework for building optimized server-rendered and static websites.

  • TypeScript: JavaScript superset adding static types for better tooling and fewer runtime errors.

  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for creating custom designs without writing custom CSS.

  • Lucide Icons: Set of open-source, customizable icons for use in web and mobile applications.

  • Custom UI Components: Reusable, modular UI elements like buttons, inputs, cards, and more.

  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime for building fast, scalable server-side applications using JavaScript.

  • MongoDB: A flexible, NoSQL database used for storing large amounts of unstructured data.

  • WorkOS: Developer platform for adding enterprise-grade authentication, security, and APIs.

  • Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling tool for Node.js, providing schema-based solutions for data.

  • next/cache: Caching strategy built into Next.js to improve performance and speed up builds.

  • lucide-react: React components library for Lucide icons, offering scalable vector-based icons.

  • Date-fns: Library for parsing, formatting, and manipulating dates in JavaScript.

  • useState, useTransition: React hooks for managing state and handling UI transitions efficiently.

  • saveJobAction: Custom action for handling job saving logic, typically in a form or workflow.

  • redirect, useRouter: Next.js hooks and methods for client-side routing and programmatic redirects.

  • JavaScript (ES6+): Modern JavaScript features like classes, async/await, and modules for cleaner code.

  • Next Image: Next.js optimized image component, automatically managing sizes and formats for images.

  • Next Link: Next.js component for navigation that handles prefetching for faster page loads.

  • Framer Motion: React library for creating complex animations and transitions with minimal code.

  • Axios: Promise-based HTTP client for making requests to APIs and handling responses in JavaScript.

  • SkeletonLoader: Custom loading UI component that shows placeholder content while data loads.

  • TimeAgo: Custom component displaying human-readable, relative time (e.g., "3 minutes ago").

  • Array.sort(): JavaScript array method used for sorting the elements of an array in place.

  • String manipulation: Methods like replace() and split() for modifying and working with strings.

  • Event handling: JavaScript methods for managing user interactions like clicks, keyboard events.

  • AuthKit (WorkOS): WorkOS library that provides authentication solutions for apps and websites.

  • SpinningButton: Custom button component that shows a loading spinner when triggered.

  • FormData API: JavaScript API for constructing and sending form data, including file uploads.

  • TTL (Time-to-Live timer): Defines the lifespan of data, after which it's discarded or refreshed.

  • Arrays: Ordered collections of elements, stored by index.


Scherm­afbeelding 2024-11-14 om 19 29 41


This site is a meeting point for companies and truck drivers. Owners of empty trucks or transport vehicles can easily communicate with companies in need of transport. This site aims to establish an efficient and fast connection between the two parties, allowing both truck drivers and companies to save time and money.





