Stark is a hot-fix framework for Android. It supports swapping new implementations of classes without restarting a running Android application, and updated Android resources (icons, layout, etc) while only restarting the Android Activity.
- git clone
- cd Stark
- ./gradlew :stark-sample:clean :stark-sample:assembleDebug
- adb install -r stark-sample/build/outputs/apk/debug/stark-sample-debug.apk
- Launch sample APK.
- Fix code and resources.
Fix Code
public class SecondActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
content.setText("Code bug");
// content.setText("aha, Code Bug Fix");
// Toast.makeText(this, "fixed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Fix Resources
<string name="fix_text">Resources bug</string>
<!--<string name="fix_text">Aha, Resources Bug Fix</string>-->
Change the TextView
in activity_main.xml and activity_second.xml to Button
- ./gradlew :stark-sample:clean :stark-sample:starkGeneratePatchDebug
- adb push stark-sample/build/outputs/apk/debug/stark-sample-debug.patch /sdcard/Android/data/
- Launch sample APK.
- Click the Button of applyPatch.
- Click the Button of recreate.
- Observe whether the code and resources are fixed.
The Gradle Dependency is available via jCenter,
Firstly, add dependency directly in your root project's build.gradle:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.ximsfei:stark-gradle:0.0.5'
Secondly, apply com.ximsfei.stark
plugin and add stark core dependencies in your Android application project's build.gradle:
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.ximsfei.stark'
dependencies {
implementation 'com.ximsfei:stark-core:0.0.5'
implementation 'io.sigpipe:jbsdiff:1.0'
Note: Stark depends on jbsdiff, you need add jbsdiff dependency in your build.gradle
Initialize stark framework in application's attachBaseContext
public class YourApp extends Application {
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
After got the patch file, invoke the applyPatchAsync
method to apply patch.
public class AnyClass {
public void applyPatch(Context context, String path) {
Stark.get().applyPatchAsync(context, path);
After adding the dependencies and apply plugin, refresh gradle project, stark plugin will add two more tasks for you:
You can find them in the gradle stark task group.
- starkBackup + BuildType
After running the assemble + BuildType
, run the backup task can backup the files needed to generate the patch for you.
Even you can enable an automatic backup configuration in the file.
- starkGeneratePatch + BuildType
When you find a bug in an online apk, you can fix the code and run the starkGeneratePatch + BuildType
task to generate hot-fix patch.
The starkGeneratePatch + BuildType
task relies on files backed up by the starkBackup + BuildType
-keep class com.ximsfei.stark.core.runtime.** {public *;}
Also, the stark plugin will generate two configuration files in your Android application project dir:
# If autoBackup is true.
# Stark plugin will automatically backup the files needed to generate the patch.
# Otherwise, you need to run the stark backup task manually.
# If allStark is true.
# Stark plugin will inject redirection code into all BuildType(debug/release).
# You'd better disable this configuration at the development stage.
# If releaseStark is true.
# Stark plugin will inject redirection code into release stage.
# If your project needs to use multidex.
# You'd better get rid of the `multiDexEnabled = true` in build.gradle and enable it here.
# Add project specific stark rules here.
# include packages that need to be fixed in the future.
# exclude packages that never to be fixed in the future.
-include: applicationId.
For more information about contributing, see our contributing guide.
- Read the Chinese wiki
Thanks to InstantRun, Tinker, Small, jbsdiff and Robust.
Pengfeng Wang(王鹏锋)
email: [email protected]