To use the enhanced script, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies from 'requirements.txt'.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Replace the 'api_key' variable with your Civitai API key. Line 37
- Specify the desired directory in the 'directory' variable. Line 18
- Specify the desired parent directory in the 'parent_dir' variable. Line 24
- You can change the reaction type from heartCount to any other supported in the API.
- Line 183
if image['stats']['heartCount'] > 10
- At the time of this script creation, the supported reaction types are:
"cryCount" "laughCount" "likeCount" "dislikeCount" "heartCount" "commentCount"
- See civitai API for more information
- Line 183
When I ran this script with a heart count of > 10 it generated:
- 14.6 GB and a file count of 167,668, including log files.
- Run the script and enjoy!
Original work by Hassan-sd. Enhancements and documentation by whitevamp.