Python tools for managing ranges of VLANs, TCP/UDP ports, IP protocols, Interfaces Recommended for scripting in telecommunications networks.
Python >=3.8,<3.12
Install the package from release
pip install netports
or install the package from release
pip install
or install the package from repository
pip install git+[email protected]
check_port(port, strict) Check TCP/UDP port in the range 1 to 65535.
Parameter | Type | Description |
port | int | The TCP/UDP port that needs to be checked. |
strict | bool | True - raise NetportsValueError if the port is invalid, False - return False if the port is invalid. Default is False. |
- Return
- bool True - If the port is in the valid range of 1 to 65535, False - otherwise.
- Raises
- TypeError If the port is not integer. NetportsValueError If strict=True and the port is outside the valid range.
check_ports(ports, strict) heck TCP/UDP ports in the range 1 to 65535.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ports | List[int] | The TCP/UDP ports that needs to be checked |
strict | bool | True - raise NetportsValueError if any in the ports is invalid, False - return False if the port is invalid. Default is False. |
- Return
- bool True - if all ports is in the valid range of 1 to 65535, False - otherwise.
- Raises
- TypeError If any in the ports is not integer. NetportsValueError If strict=True and any in the ports is outside the valid range.
itcp(items, verbose, all) Integer TCP/UDP Ports. Sorting TCP/UDP ports and removing duplicates
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int], List[str] | Range of TCP/UDP ports, can be unsorted and with duplicates |
verbose | bool | True - all ports in verbose mode: [1, 2, ..., 65535], False - all ports in brief mode: [-1], to save RAM (default) |
all | bool | True - Returns all TCP/UDP ports: [1, 2, ..., 65535], or [-1] for verbose=False |
- Return
- List[int] of unique sorted TCP/UDP ports
- Raises
- NetportsValueError if TCP/UDP ports are outside valid range 1...65535
stcp(items, verbose, all) String TCP/UDP ports. Sorting TCP/UDP ports and removing duplicates
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int], List[str] | Range of TCP/UDP ports, can be unsorted and with duplicates |
verbose | bool | True - all ports in verbose mode: [1, 2, ..., 65535], False - all ports in brief mode: [-1], to save RAM (default) |
all | bool | True - Returns all TCP/UDP ports: "1-65535" |
- Return
- str of unique sorted TCP/UDP ports
- Raises
- NetportsValueError if TCP/UDP ports are outside valid range 1...65535
ivlan(items, verbose, all, splitter, range_splitter, platform) Sorting integer VLAN IDs and removing duplicates
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int], List[str] | Range of VLANs, can be unsorted and with duplicates |
verbose | bool | True - all VLAN IDs in verbose mode: [1, 2, ..., 65535], False - all VLAN IDs in brief mode: [-1], to save RAM (default) |
all | bool | True - Returns all VLAN IDs: [1, 2, ..., 4094], or [-1] for verbose=False |
splitter | str | Separator character between items, by default "," |
range_splitter | str | Separator between min and max numbers in range, by default "-" |
platform | str | Set splitter and range_splitter to platform specific values. Defined: "cisco" (Cisco IOS), "hpe" (Hewlett Packard Enterprise). |
- Return
- List[int] of unique sorted VLANs
- Raises
- NetportsValueError if VLANs are outside valid range 1...4094
svlan(items, verbose, all, splitter, range_splitter, platform) Sorting string VLANs and removing duplicates
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int], List[str] | Range of VLANs, can be unsorted and with duplicates |
verbose | bool | True - all VLAN IDs in verbose mode: [1, 2, ..., 65535], False - all VLAN IDs in brief mode: [-1], to save RAM (default) |
all | bool | True - Returns all VLAN IDs: "1-4094" |
splitter | str | Separator character between items, by default "," |
range_splitter | str | Separator between min and max numbers in range, by default "-" |
platform | str | Set splitter and range_splitter to platform specific values. Defined: "cisco" (Cisco IOS), "hpe" (Hewlett Packard Enterprise). |
- Return
- str of unique sorted VLANs
- Raises
- NetportsValueError if VLANs are outside valid range 1...4094
Dictionary with known IP protocol names and IDs listed in
iip(items, verbose, all, strict) Sorting IP protocol numbers and removing duplicates
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int], List[str] | Range of IP protocol numbers, can be unsorted and with duplicates, "ip" - Return all IP protocol numbers: [0, 1, ..., 255] |
verbose | bool | True - all protocols in verbose mode: [0, 1, ..., 255], False - all protocols in brief mode: [-1], to save RAM (default) |
strict | bool | True - Raises NetportsValueError, if the protocol is unknown (default), False - Skips unknown protocols |
all | bool | True - Return all IP protocol numbers: [0, 1, ..., 255] |
- Return
- List[int] of unique sorted IP protocol numbers
- Raises
- NetportsValueError if IP protocol numbers are outside valid range 0...255
sip(items, verbose, all) Soring string IP protocol numbers and removing duplicates
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int], List[str] | Range of IP protocol numbers, can be unsorted and with duplicates. "ip" - mean all numbers in range 0...255. |
verbose | bool | True - all protocols in verbose mode: [0, 1, ..., 255], False - all protocols in brief mode: [-1], to save RAM (default) |
strict | bool | True - Raises NetportsValueError, if the protocol is unknown (default), False - Skips unknown protocols |
all | bool | True - Return all IP protocol numbers: "0-255" |
- Return
- str of unique sorted IP protocol numbers
- Raises
- NetportsValueError if IP protocol numbers are outside valid range 0...255
ip_pairs(items, strict) Splits items to IP protocol Number, Name and undefined-invalid protocols
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int], List[str] | Range of IP protocol names and numbers, can be unsorted and with duplicates |
verbose | bool | True - all protocols in verbose mode: [0, 1, ..., 255], False - all protocols in brief mode: [-1], to save RAM (default) |
- Return
- List[Tuple[int, str]] Pairs of IP protocol number and name,
- List[str] Undefined protocol names and invalid numbers
Range(items, splitter, range_splitter, strict) An object that represents ports range as str and as List[int] Object implements most of the set and list methods that handle the Range.numbers attribute.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int] | Range of numbers. Numbers can be unsorted and duplicated. |
splitter | str | Separator character between items, by default "," |
range_splitter | str | Separator between min and max numbers in range, by default "-" |
strict | bool | True - Raise NetportsValueError, if in items is invalid item. False - Make Range without invalid items. By default True. |
Attributes demonstration
Range object implements:
- Arithmetic operators:
- Reference to numbers in range by index
Operator | Return | Description |
Range("1,4") + Range("3,5") | Range("1,3-5") | Add two objects |
Range("1-5") - Range("2") | Range("1,3-5") | Subtract two objects |
Range("1,3-5")[1] | 3 | Get number by index |
Range("1,3-5")[1:3] | [3, 4] | Get numbers by slice |
Range object implements most of set and list methods.
Method | Description |
add(other) | Adds other Range object to self |
append(number) | Appends number to self |
clear() | Removes all numbers from self |
copy() | Returns a copy of self Range object |
difference(other) | Returns the Range object of the difference between self and other Range |
difference_update(other) | Removes other Range from self |
discard(number) | Removes the specified number from self Range |
extend(numbers) | Adds List[int] numbers to self |
index(number) | Returns index of number, raises ValueError if the number is not present in range |
intersection(other) | Returns Range which is the intersection of self and other Range |
intersection_update(other) | Removes numbers of other Range in self, that are not present in other |
isdisjoint(other) | Returns whether self numbers and other Range numbers have intersection or not |
issubset(other) | Returns whether other Range numbers contains self numbers or not |
issuperset(other) | Returns whether self Range numbers contains other Range numbers set or not |
pop() | Removes and returns last number in Range, raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range |
remove(number) | Removes the specified number from self Range, raises ValueError if the numbers is not present |
symmetric_difference(other) | Returns Range object with the symmetric differences of self and other Range |
symmetric_difference_update(other) | Inserts the symmetric differences from self Range and other Range |
update(other) | Returns Range of the union of self Range and other Range |
- Attributes demonstration
- Sorts numbers and removes duplicates
- Range with custom splitters
parse_range(line, splitter, range_splitter) Parses range from line. Removes white spaces considering splitters. Sort numbers and removes duplicates.
Parameter | Type | Description |
line | str | Range of numbers, can be unsorted and with duplicates |
splitter | str | Separator character between items, by default "," |
range_splitter | str | Separator between min and max numbers in range, by default "-" |
- Return
- Range object
inumbers(items, splitter, range_splitter) Sort integer numbers and removes duplicates
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int], List[str] | Range of numbers, can be unsorted and with duplicates |
splitter | str | Separator character between items, by default "," |
range_splitter | str | Separator between min and max numbers in range, by default "-" |
- Return
- List[int] of unique sorted numbers
snumbers(items, splitter, range_splitter) Sort string numbers and removes duplicates
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | str, List[int], List[str] | Range of numbers, can be unsorted and with duplicates |
splitter | str | Separator character between items, by default "," |
range_splitter | str | Separator between min and max numbers in range, by default "-" |
- Return
- str of unique sorted numbers
- Sorts numbers and removes duplicates
- Range with custom splitter and range_splitter
- Converts unsorted range to sorted List[int] without duplicates
- Converts unsorted range to List[int] with custom splitters
- Converts unsorted range to sorted str without duplicates
- Converts unsorted range to str with custom splitters
generate_intfs(start, end, base) Generate list of Intf objects from start to end.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | str | First interface name in the range. |
end | str | Last interface name in the range. |
base | str | Prefix of the interface name that needs to be added to each interface. |
- Return
- List[Intf] List of generated Intf objects.
generate_names(start, end, base) Generate list of interface names from start to end.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | str | First interface name in the range. |
end | str | Last interface name in the range. |
base | str | Prefix of the interface name that needs to be added to each interface. |
- Return
- List[str] List of generated interface names.
is_port_base(port, required, ignore) Check if the port has one of the required base, skipping base that are in the ignore list.
Parameter | Type | Description |
port | str | Port name that need to check. |
required | List[str] | Required base names (without ID), one of which should match with port base name. |
ignore | List[str] | Base names to ignore. |
- Return
- bool True - if port base name matches with required, False - otherwise.
names_to_range(names, fmt) Join list of interface names to range.
Parameter | Type | Description |
names | List[str] | List of interface names. |
fmt | str | Format option: "long" - Long names: ["interface Ethernet1/1-3"], "short" - Short names: ["Eth1/1/1-3"]. |
- Return
- str Interface range.
range_to_intfs(line, base) Split interface range to list of Intf objects.
Parameter | Type | Description |
line | str | Range of interfaces that need to be split. |
base | str | Prefix of the interface name that needs to be added to each interface. |
- Return
- List[Intf] List of Intf objects.
range_to_names(line) Split interface range to list of interface names.
Parameter | Type | Description |
line | str | Range of interfaces that need to be split. |
- Return
- List[str] List of interface names.
sort_names(names, reverse) Sort interface names.
Parameter | Type | Description |
names | List[str] | Interface names that need to be sorted. |
reverse | bool | True - descending, False - ascending, default is False. |
- Return
- List[str] Sorted interface names.
long_to_short(device_type, key_lower, value_lower) Returns Interfaces map long-to-short, device_type specific
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_type | str | Netmiko device type |
key_lower | bool | True - keys lower-case, False - keys upper-case |
value_lower | bool | True - values lower-case, False - values upper-case |
- Return
- Dict[str, str] Interfaces map
long_to_long(device_type, key_lower, value_lower) Returns Interfaces map long-to-long, device_type specific
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_type | str | Netmiko device type |
key_lower | bool | True - keys lower-case, False - keys upper-case |
value_lower | bool | True - values lower-case, False - values upper-case |
- Return
- Dict[str, str] Interfaces map
longs(device_type, value_lower) Returns long names of all interfaces
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_type | str | Netmiko device type |
value_lower | bool | True - values lower-case, False - values upper-case. Default is None, lower-case and upper-case. |
- Return
- List[str] Long names of all interfaces
short_to_long(device_type, key_lower, value_lower) Returns Interfaces map short-to-long, device_type specific
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_type | str | Netmiko device type |
key_lower | bool | True - keys lower-case, False - keys upper-case |
value_lower | bool | True - values lower-case, False - values upper-case |
- Return
- Dict[str, str] Interfaces map
short_to_short(device_type, key_lower, value_lower) Returns Interfaces map short-to-short, device_type specific
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_type | str | Netmiko device type |
key_lower | bool | True - keys lower-case, False - keys upper-case |
value_lower | bool | True - values lower-case, False - values upper-case |
- Return
- Dict[str, str] Interfaces map
shorts(device_type, value_lower) Returns short names of all interfaces
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_type | str | Netmiko device type |
value_lower | bool | True - values lower-case, False - values upper-case. Default is None, lower-case and upper-case. |
- Return
- List[str] Short names of all interfaces
Intf(line, device_type, splitter) An object of interface name, that can contain up to 4 indexes. Sorts the interfaces by indexes (not by alphabetic).
Parameter | Type | Description |
line | str | Interface name that can contain up to 4 indexes |
device_type | str | Netmiko device_type (default "") |
splitter | str | Separator of characters between indexes (default ",./:") |
Mac(line) An object representing a MAC address in different formats.
Parameter | Type | Description |
line | str | MAC address line |
hex | str | MAC address in hex format |
cisco | str | MAC address in Cisco format |
colon | str | MAC address in colon delimiter format |
integer | int | MAC address in integer format |
Attributes | Type | Description |
delimiters | Interface all delimiters | |
id0 | str | Interface name. Line without IDs |
id1 | int | Interface 1st ID |
id2 | int | Interface 2nd ID |
id3 | int | Interface 3rd ID |
id4 | int | Interface 4th ID |
ids | Interface all IDs | |
line | str | Interface line |
name | str | Interface name with IDs |
splitter | str | Separator of characters between indexes |
device_type | str | Netmiko device_type |
last_idx() Index of last ID in interface line
all_names() All variants of names: long, short, upper-case, lover-case. Device type specific
name_full() Interface long name with IDs and with interface keyword
name_long() Interface long name with IDs and without interface keyword
name_short(replace) Interface short name with IDs, Device type specific
Parameter | Type | Description |
replace | List[Tuple[str, str]] | Replace the default short name with the first one that matches in the list of the replace argument. |
- Return
- str Interface short name.
part_after(idx, splitter) Interface part after interested ID
Parameter | Type | Description |
idx | int | Interface index |
splitter | bool | True - Include splitter from edge, False - Skip splitter from edge |
- Return
- str Part of the interface name after specified interface index
part_before(idx, splitter) Interface part before interested ID
Parameter | Type | Description |
idx | int | Interface index |
splitter | bool | True - Include splitter from edge, False - Skip splitter from edge |
- Return
- str Part of the interface name before specified interface index
- Attributes demonstration
- Interface with custom splitter between indexes. Splitter is ignored when comparing
- Sorting by indexes
- Grouping interfaces by 3rd index
SwVersion(text) Parse the given version string and return SwVersion object who can compare (>, >=, <, <=) software versions of network devices: Cisco, FortiGate, HP, etc.
import re
from netports import SwVersion
text = "Cisco IOS Software, C2960X Software (C2960X-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.2(4)E10, ..."
text ="Version (\S+),", text)[1]
version1 = SwVersion(text) # 15.2(4)E10
version2 = SwVersion("15.2(4)E11")
assert version1 < version2
assert version1 <= version2
assert not version1 > version2
assert not version1 >= version2
print(version1) # 15.2(4)e10
print(version2) # 15.2(4)e11