This repository is an experimental port of the Tock embedded operating system to the Teensy 3.6.
This repository depends on the standard Tock distribution as a git submodule
in the tock/
folder. To download this repo, use:
git clone --recursive
(note the --recursive
flag, which is needed to download the tock/
To compile the kernel, simply run make
from the top-level directory. You must
have the prerequiste build tools installed, as detailed in the
Tock getting started guide.
Connect the Teensy via USB to your computer, and run make program
from the
root directory. You should see a prompt telling you to press the reset button on
your board. Once you press the button, teensy-loader-cli
will flash the kernel
onto the board using the Teensy's builtin HalfKay bootloader.
The boards/teensy/src/tests
directory contains tests which can be run instead of running
the normal kernel main loop. To run blink
from the kernel, edit
to the following:
// Set this function to run whatever test you desire. Test functions are named XXX_test by convention.
pub fn test() {
// Set this to true to make the kernel run the test instead of main.
pub const TEST: bool = true;
Then run make program
and the kernel will be compiled and flashed to your
Teensy. You should see the orange LED blinking!
To get a blink with UART console output on TX0, run print::print_test()
You'll need the ARM cross compiler on many systems:
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi