Copyright © 2015 Swetha Venkatachari Sundarajan
This project is licensed under the "MIT License". Please see the file COPYING in this distribution for license terms.
An open source android application which helps people in finding the nearest vacant parking spot.
This app helps users in finding the free or paid vacant parking spots near them. In the Free Parking, users get to see a list of vacant parking spots that are near them and also get direction to their parking spot. The app also allows users to enter the free parking spots found by them and populate the database for rest of the user community. Thus, if you are a user of this app and find vacant parking spots near you, you can key in the number of vacant parking spots. The app records your current location automatically. You can also drag the marker in the google map and point it to a different location, if needed.
In the paid parking, users can search for parking lots by entering radius or zip code and choose the time of parking. Based on the availability of parking lots, users are provided with two views map view and list view. On click of the map view or the list view , the parking spots in the corresponding parking lot are listed. Users can choose the convenient parking spot and block it. The application also allows users to mark their spot and the app will automatically notify the user 10 minutes before the expiry of the parking ticket. In addition, the app provides driving directions and estimated time of travel from the current location to the parking lot.
###Technical Details
1.This app was developed in Android with API target 22 (5.1.1) Lollipop and tested in Lollipop (5.0.1)
2. It uses WebAPI developed in PHP/MySQL in the backend to store and retrieve parking data. The WebAPI is hosted in
Website name:
3.SQLite to store Login related info(username and password)
###Source Code
You can get the apk file from
###License Information This work is available under the "MIT License". Please see the file COPYING in this distribution for license terms.
###Bug or Issue Tracker You can report the bugs in the following link:
- Add verification number after user blocks the parking spot
- Get real time parking data for paid parking
- Integrate with a pay service
- Introduce reward points to increase the number of customers
- DateTimePicker:
- GoogleMaps: , - PHP:
- MySQL Haversines Formula to calculate radius: - Google: Added files from google Github for google maps custom marker
You can refer the user manaul documnet to get build instructions, prerequisites and info on API
Swetha Venkatachari Sundarajan
This app was developed as part of a school project and is NOT associated with the EasyPark android app that is available in Google PlayStore in anyway.