My personal dev setup. Includes config files for tmux, NeoVim, zsh. Optimized to improve speed, and keep your hands on home row. Tries to reduce cost of context switch.
- tmux config extends gpakosz/.tmux.
- changes to colorscheme to match base16-default-dark colorscheme.
- applescript displays itunes and spotify track on status line
- M-j for tmux prefix. Use stronger index to move between both tmux and vim splits
Map your caps lock to ctrl for best experience.
- Uses vim-plug
- Uses
for leader - Works great for react development and tdd. Includes sensible plugins like
- Ultisnips
- vim-react-snippets
- vim-jest-snippets
- istanbul
- vim-test
- vim-jsx
- vim-prettier
- vim-styled-components
- Switching to normal mode saves buffer
- Some notable plugins include
- vim-commentary
- vim-surround
- vim-repeat
- netrw istead of NerdTree
- FastFold
- vim-stay
- vimwiki
- fzf
- deoplete
- vim-fugitive
- EasyMotion
- Ale for linting
- vim-rails
- vim-markdown
iTerm2, NeoVim and tmux all use same color scheme base16-default-dark
- Uses Fira Code without ligature. Disabling ligatures helps iTerm2 use gpu.
- Hack regular code nerd complete for icons in iTerm2.