Version 2.2.0 (2017-08-15)
This release fixes the ability to install new docsets (which was broken since
July 2017 due to unannounced, incompatible upstream changes in docset hosting),
improves portability, search form usability, and saves space updating docsets.
When a docset is updated, any obsolete files left behind by the previous
version of the docset's installation are now deleted to save disk space. -
: update styling for a more user-friendly search form:- Make submit button as tall as the entire form so it's easy to hit.
- Use monospace font throughout the form to enhance ilIO0o variance.
- Shorten placeholder text to fit default width of popular browsers.
GH-23: Kapeli moved docset download links into Git, breaking our ability
to install new docsets (because the download links page no longer exists). -
POSIX sed(1) reserves the right to reject the semicolon command separator.
Per http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/sed.html
Historically, the sed ! and } editing commands did not permit multiple
commands on a single line using a semicolon as a command delimiter.
Implementations are permitted, but not required, to support this
: recommend Chrome browser with LocalLinks extension. -
README: show how to set up $MANPATH for easy man(1).
tar: use UNIX-style invocation syntax: -z after -f.
sed: use pipe delimiters when dealing with slashes.