Web Coding Coach "WCC" is a coach that goes everywhere with you, helping you to achieve any goal. We believe mentorship should be accessible to all, so with 'Web Coding Coach' you can get expert level instruction and advice from senior coaches for an affordable price.
This is a Vue SPA 'single page application' for connecting mentors with mentees where they can sign up, log In, and connecting each other by sending requests.
Vue "3.0.0"
Vuex "4.0.2"
Vue router "4.0.13"
- Firebase API.
Register page with a solid authentication from fireBase and powerful validation
Home Page simple layout with filter for coaches
Auto Refreshing data every min or manually with Refresh button
Showing coach details and easy contact with a validation method.
Only active coach can see his requests.
Active user can become a coach.
Easy to signup as a coach with a powerful validation.
Used LocalStorage autoLogin and autoLogout
fetching data on fire base (Coaches, requests)
Loading spinner
npm install --save vue-router
npm install --save vuex
running the project
run npm serve
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Kindly give a
CopyRight © Shehab Alhawary