This repository has all one needs to run the HRATC2017 robot programming competition environment when using the real robot.
It installs all the required ROS nodes required by the launch files.
- rviz
All rviz files required during the competition or for debugging.
- hardware
It has documents describing the hardware design, the sensors, processors, etc.
- maps
Location and pre built maps of the test arena and other scenarios.
- model
It has all the 3D models (SolidWorks files and the gazebo meshes) used in the robot.
- launch
All launch files for testing the robot and for executing the competition. It also describe all topics and used nodes.
- Hardware design and integration with Pioneer by Renato Silveira and Augusto Bergamin;
- Sensor support 3D models in SolidWorks by Henry Nunes;
- Conversion from SolidWorks to Gazebo by Renan Maffei;
- Launch files by Renato and Renan Maidana;
- Maps by Renan Maidana;
- Street View photos by Augusto Bergamin;
- Install script by Renato Silveira;
- Readmes edits by Alexandre Amory.