This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 11, 2023. It is now read-only.
Releases: re-taro/alibum
Releases · re-taro/alibum
1.0.0 (2022-12-16)
- Add router.isReady guard befor loading
- type: Fix getLayout types
- Remove postinstall command in npm scripts
- Introducing the getLayout architecture
- Add alibum's logo (f47afdc)
- Add back button logic (7ba7a38)
- Add color palette (748b7b6)
- Add create card function (791c3b4)
- Add dayjs (83be0cc)
- Add Error handling (c5b48c5)
- add function type (a337185)
- Add hover and active color (70b7e57)
- Add Kosugi Maru to Chakra UI (7943412)
- Add logout button logic (b51e4c2)
- add Metadata to uploading image (401d5d7)
- Add padding outside main content (d111d3e)
- Add provider to custom app.tsx (2622c94)
- Add reset css (9626a82)
- Add some icon and manifest.json (4020bbb)
- Add type property (d6386a9)
- Change CloseButton (bb11ce9)
- Change CreateStoreList works (552085c)
- Change Dynamic Routing (7c00f71)
- Change routes (95e52b1)
- Create auth provider for firebase login (928155b)
- Create edit card component (6c7db81)
- Create edit page (35e72ef)
- Create edit pages layout (d8a7622)
- Create form for using in menu page (49d3071)
- Create form input component (294c5e2)
- Create form wrapper (4bd9603)
- Create InputModal (d86aa51)
- Create login page (bab39ec)
- Create menu card component (1cccb82)
- Create menu card component (bddc0da)
- Create menu page (1693d1e)
- Create menu pages layout (77f1cce)
- Create Menulist API (2da7646)
- Create modal and link button logic (16e4236)
- Create modal and link button logic (9b7366e)
- Create new listdata api (e6f7932)
- Create og card component (894ebe1)
- Create sharable icon button component (56d3477)
- Create share page (fa3b856)
- Create types file (a71d056)
- create useStoreList hooks (1719ea9)
- Create view pages layout (6d3a2b5)
- Create ViewCard (f05bd35)
- Define a function that returns getLayout (e0de84e)
- eslint rule turn off (f842efd)
- Initialize commit (a7f4831)
- Initialize firebase (e739048)
- Introducing the getLayout architecture (aabfdbf)
- Optimized images used for background (f19d2c9)
- Quit Dynamic Route (17a405f)
- Rename component modal (1288e37)
- Rename sharePage component (1afcf7f)
- Restyle AspectRatio (bfa36f8)
- Rewrite credential (e86d7be)
- Rewrite gitignore (87e7d2d)
- Support for long descriptions (9704e56)
- Update data fetching (899dec8)
- Update font ext to woff2 (fcdfb5e)
- Update SEO config (ffe9dd8)
- Update top level routing and auth state (0bbd652)
Bug Fixes
- a part of #76's probrem (2a28274)
- Add aspect-ratio at Image (f5e8371)
- Add missing import (a97362c)
- Add padding bottom (03d346c)
- add return (b514641)
- Add router.isReady guard befor loading (fcb347e)
- Add try and catch and made function to inline (e0a7854)
- Add vercel.json to cancel auto deploy (d4cfa51)
- Avoid warning (6a67bed)
- Change Cache age (dbe444f)
- change callBack dependency (938c3b7)
- Change component type (c21b90b)
- Change create storage ref logic (e747a6a)
- Change hooks works (ec22e84)
- Change how to get links (120c960)
- Change import style (7f711fd)
- change import type (634c6ce)
- change import type (085d542)
- change login method (85cfce9)
- ...