This bash script checks the availibility of FreeNAS or TrueNAS within the network by sending a ping. If FreeNAS is not reachable, MagiPack (Work on LAN) will be sent to start FreeNAS. In case it is reachable the NFS Share will be bound to the Debian Filesystem.
Debian 11 (Bullseye)
Debian 10.3 (Buster)
Debian 9.12 (Stretch)
- Change the variable IP, RELEASE, MOUNTPOINT, MAC, BROADCAST in the beginning of the script. If needed also change the variable PORT.
- Check if WOL is activated within your FreeNAS. Please check the motherboard manual.
- Check the status of the NFS service in your FreeNAS Webinterface „Service“ → „NFS“ → „activated“
- Check the status of NFS Share within your FreeNAS Webinterface „Sharing“ → „NFS“
- Create a folder on the client system for example (/home/user/freeNAS)
To use the sripct following packages are needed:
Install this package first
$ apt-get install libnotify-bin
$ apt-get install nfs-common portmap
- The FreeNAS network adapter has to support WOL (wake on LAN) and needs to be activated in BIOS/UEFI
First, a .service file must be created under /etc/systemd/system, e.g. with the file name freeNASmount.service. This file has to be edited with an editor with root access accordingly to following content:
Perform following 3 commands:
systemctl enable freeNASmount.service
systemctl start freeNASmount.service
systemctl status freeNASmount.service
At this point, NFS Share should be bound to the filesystem.
A logfile with timestamp will be place in the following path: /var/log/freeNASmount.log
Please feel free to send any question or remark to [email protected] . Support via PayPal is appreciated.
- Thanks for you Support PayPal