- VITS : Francis-Komizu
or in Huggingface 🤗 for Google Colab:
!wget "https://huggingface.co/Ojimi/moe-tts-model/resolve/main/model1.zip" -O "/content/model1.zip"
!unzip "/content/model1.zip" -d "/content/moe-chatgpt/"
- Let's create a .env file in your directory. It is used to store your API key from https://platform.openai.com/.
- Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run:
python chat.py
- Enjoy =)))
- model/
- model.pth
- config.json (.yaml)
- info.json (.yaml) (Options)
- cover.jpg (Options)
Arguments | Info |
--apiurl | The path to the server moe-tts. Get moe-tts backend here. |
--openaikey | You OpenAI API key. |
- VITS : jaywalnut310
- VITS Model : Francis-Komizu
- OpenAI: ChatGPT.
- You 🫵.