Releases: qkqpttgf/OneManager-php
Replit platform, HIT Gitlab
change login page, default not '?admin' but '?login=admin' now! and if set adminloginpage, it will be '?login=[value]'. rm JumpFirstDisk, 403 in operating root, change sorting disk, remake disktags tab, add global md config. Allow Preview when enable downloadencrypt. some change in adding Onedrive disk. show upload progress in table background.
Add new platform Replit. Add a git source for update. sha1.js use jsdelivr cdn.
add a latent function, you can edit platform token(or API key) via '?setup=auth' when the token invalid, not need edit it in Environment(or Config Var) manually, (even in Vercel, config saved in file, and can't modiy it manually).
fix specialchars
fix: list folder, encrypt folder, preview files, rename, show in title, error on back link after login at specialchars folder, etc.
add a latent function, you can run some command by '?setup=cmd'.
add a latent function, you can edit platform token(or API key) via '?setup=auth' when the token invalid
Vercel platform
v3.3 show Environment<4K error
More driver
v3.1 Update version
Modify tags, change sequence of disk
v2_last 针对内地某些地方中转链接访问失败
fix: upload file to any folder
v2.7 fix: upload file to any folder
change id&secret of 21Vianet, fix sum bugs
Merge pull request #165 from david082321/patch-1 add language zh-tw
CN 21Vianet client_id&secret
v2.5 base64 but not urlencode in saving config
SCF save config in file
v2.4 in multy disk, only json can visit root, other will jump to first disk