This repo is for the 4YP project reading the navtech radar data using ROS2 jazzy.
Build the container
Inside the container inside /ament_ws run
colcon build --symlink-install
After building successfully source the workspace with
source install/setup.bash
Then run the radar node with
ros2 run nav_radar colossus_publisher --ros-args --params-file /ament_ws/src/iasdk-public/ros/ros2/src/nav_radar/config/colossus_publisher.yaml
For recording data, just run the node above, check if the topics are outputted by running
ros2 topic list -v
cd /ament_ws/src
and start a new recording with
ros2 bag record -a
When you want to replay it just run
ros2 bag play /ament_ws/src/rosbag2_2024_12_05-18_19_42/
To look at the data, open a new terminal and run
ros2 topic echo /radar_data/fft_data
To see the possible ros2 bag play command, type
ros2 bag play -h
For example, to continuously play the data,
ros bag play /ament_ws/src/rosbag2_2024_12_05-18_19_42/ -l