You only need to download this file: mojang-api.class.php
See an usage of this class in example.php
To see all methods available, see the MojangAPI interface: mojang-api.interface.php
(not needed in your project).
// Require API
require 'mojang-api.class.php';
// Get UUID from username
$uuid = MojangAPI::getUuid('MTC');
echo 'UUID: <b>' . $uuid . '</b><br>';
// Get his name history
$history = MojangAPI::getNameHistory($uuid);
echo 'First username: <b>' . reset($history)['name'] . '</b><br>';
// Print player's head
$img = '<img src="' . MojangAPI::embedImage(MojangAPI::getPlayerHead($uuid)) . '" alt="Head of MTC">';
echo 'Skin:<br>' . $img . '<br>';
// Query a server
$query = MojangAPI::query('', 25565);
if ($query) echo 'There is ' . $query['players'] . ' players online out of ' . $query['maxplayers'] . '<br>';
else echo 'Server is offline.<br>';