This repo uses a setup similar to what is described in this article and should be setup like this:
# don't use a bare repository, they're not meant to be manipulated locally
git clone --no-checkout $URL ~/.config/
git --git-dir ~/.config/.git --work-tree ~ checkout
# `conf` is a simple wrapper that does 'git --git-dir ~/.config/.git --work-tree ~ $@'
conf config status.showUntrackedFiles no
Some of the stuff in this repo is just a read-only view of other repos, for (my own) convenience. I've listed below their sources.
For anything not mentioned, this repo is considered the source.
- expand
- phantom-selection
- find
- sudo-write
- vertical-selection
- snippets
- buffer-switcher
- number-comparison
- sort-selections
- filetree
- gdb
mpv (and mvi, mmp)
- crop, encode, blacklist-extensions, blur-edges, seek-to
- gallery
- image-viewer
- music-player
- visualizer
mvi and mmp are just aliases to different profiles of mpv. More specifically, I use mpv for videos, mvi for images and mmp for music.
Anything that has a standalone source (see above) falls under the same license as the source.
Anything not explicity mentioned is UNLICENSED.