2018 Illumio Internship challenge (build a firewall validator). I set a timer for 90 minutes before beginning. This solution is not yet complete, but only a reflection of what I could do in 90 minutes. If given more time (about 30min-1hr longer, I would have been able to finish).
I tested my solution by running print statements (similar to asserts) on the examples given in the spec sheet. I was 70% satisfied when I passed all those cases, but was not content with 70% satisfaction. I increased that number by writing checks to ensure even edge cases would work.
Here are a few of the edge cases I was able to think about:
- Empty ranges
- Ranges that fall outside of the numerical values accepted
- Duplicate values (did not have time to implement)
I used dictionaries in python because they can be accessed in constant O(1) time. An important part of this assignment is ensuring scalability. A typical firewall log can consist of millions of lines, so must be able to lookup and match the rules in constant time.
- I would have implemented a map of <dicts, ints> to count the number of like entries to keep count of common incoming ports.
- I would optimize the main
to work in a smaller polynomial time degree than current. It is a pretty naive approach to this problem and runs in O(n) time to iterate through the rules. I would try to make the algorithm run in O(1) time.
I am open to trying to fit into any role that is needed, but here is a ranking of my interests:
- Data
- Platform
- Policy