A tool to edit and preview Qt style sheets (.qss).
Original by Niklas Henning
Being adapted for use with Flex GUI / LinuxCNC. Progress is only just beginning; check back later.
- Preview 30+ widgets
- Various states (enabled, disabled, etc.)
- Find and Replace tool
- Syntax Highlighting
- Cross platform Python (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
- QCalendarWidget
- QCheckBox
- QComboBox
- QCommandLinkButton
- QDateEdit
- QDateTimeEdit
- QDial
- QDoubleSpinBox
- QFrame
- QFontComboBox
- QGroupBox
- QKeySequenceEdit
- QLabel
- QLCDNumber
- QLineEdit
- QListWidget
- QPlainTextEdit
- QProgressBar
- QPushButton
- QRadioButton
- QScrollBar
- QSlider
- QSpinBox
- QTableWidget
- QTabWidget
- QTextBrowser
- QTextEdit
- QTimeEdit
- QToolButton
- QTreeWidget
- QWidget
Style sheet used in the second screenshot: QtDark
- Either open a QSS file to edit and preview or start writing one from scratch in the editor.
- To make changes visible either press 'Ctrl + Enter' or click on 'Apply', located in the 'View' section of the menu bar.
One of the main goals to tackle first is allowing opening of custom .ui files, so that the user can open their Flex GUI .ui directly and work on that (instead of boilerplate.)
It is hoped that this be included in an upcoming Flex GUI release (then development will be handled there.) Downloads will not be provided here.
- PyQt5 - GUI Framework for Python (nothing to build.)
- Niklas Henning - Github profile
- RDTSC - Github profile
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license.txt file for details.