Python 3 and ResNet feature version by @milhidaka
Including caption generation demo on web browser using WebDNN.
- Python 3.6
- Chainer 2.0.0
- Cupy 1.0.0
- Pillow
Please download dataset and train by yourself by looking at usage (training model using MSCOCO dataset) below.
$ python src/ -s dataset_coco.pkl -m caption_gen_resnet.model -l image/list.txt -g 0
- -s, sentence: (required) sentence dataset file path.
- -m, --model: (required) trained model file path.
- -l, --list: (required) image path list file.
- -g, --gpu: (optional) GPU index. -1 means CPU.
$ python src/ --sentence dataset_coco.pkl --model caption_gen_resnet.model --example_image image/asakusa.jpg
Then start a HTTP server (python -m http.server
) and go to http://localhost:8000/webdnn.
- Download images (2014) from and extract to some directory.
- Download from:
- Extract downloaded zip file, and you'll get dataset_coco.json.
$ python src/ dataset_coco.json dataset_coco.pkl
- sentence JSON file of dataset.
- output pkl file.
$ python src/ dataset_coco.json /path/to/coco/images resnet_feat.mat -g 0 -b 16
- sentence JSON file of dataset.
- Top-level directory containing images. Searches files recursively.
- output feature matrix file. (becomes about 1GB)
- -g, --gpu: (optional) GPU index. -1 means CPU.
- -b, --batchsize: (optional) batch size for extracting feature.
It will take several hours.
$ python src/ -g 0 -s dataset_coco.pkl -i resnet_feats.mat -o model/caption_gen
- -g, --gpu: (optional) GPU device index (default: -1).
- -s, --sentence: (required) sentence dataset file path.
- -i, --image: (required) image feature file path.
- -m, --model: (optional) input model file path without extension.
- -o, --output: (required) output model file path without extension.
- --iter: (optional) the number of iterations (default: 100).
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