Display online charts for data from sensors on Raspberry Pi quickly and easily.
To quickly launch do the following:
- git clone while in /home/pi
- cd raspberrySensorOnlineChart
- Ensure Apache is running on Raspberry Pi
- sudo cp -r sensor /var/www/html
- sudo chmod 777 /var/www/html/sensor
- sudo cp start-sensor.sh /etc/init.d
- sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/start-sensor.sh
- sudo update-rc.d start-sensor.sh defaults
- sudo reboot :) (or start /etc/init.d/start-sensor.sh manually)
- Point your browser to http://raspberryPi/sensor/dht11.html or http://raspberryPi/sensor/mhz14a.html
You can also start SimpleHttpServer, Nginx, etc. and reuse existing project folder sensor with chart HTML files.