An OpenAI API compatible images server to generate or manipulate images.
This server depends on an existing installation of AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui.
This is not affiliated with OpenAI in any way, and no OpenAI API key is required.
- generations
- prompt, including AI enhanced prompts when selecting 'dall-e-3'
- model
- size
- quality ("hd or standard")
- response_format *(partial support for url, uses data: urls not real urls)
- n
- style ("vivid or natural")
- user
- edits
- variations
This is in active development and currently works for basic use-cases. It selects the generation configuration based on the chosen model.
The default configuration uses:
- dall-e-1: sd 1.5
- dall-e-2: sdxl_lightning
- dall-e-3: sdxl
Settings for each model type can be found in the config folder, and can be modified as needed without needing to restart the server.
Configure your environment:
echo SD_BASE_URL=http://<your stable diffusion webui server>:<port> > .env
echo OPENAI_BASE_URL=http://<your openai chat server>:<port>/v1 >> .env # optional, for dall-e-3 style AI prompt enhancement
echo OPENAI_API_KEY=skip >> .env # optional, for dall-e-3 style AI prompt enhancement
Docker (recommended):
docker compose up
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --host --port 5005
You can use the OpenAI python client to interact with the API.
pip install -U openai
import base64
import io
import openai
from PIL import Image
client = openai.Client(base_url='http://localhost:5005/v1', api_key='skip')
response = client.images.generate(prompt="A cute baby sea otter", response_format='b64_json', model='dall-e-3')
image =[0].b64_json)))
- Swagger API docs are available locally via /docs, here: (http://localhost:5005/docs) if you are using the defaults.
- OpenAI Images Guide: (
- OpenAI Images API Reference: (
- AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI: (
- ashleykleynhans/stable-diffusion-docker (