Total geek terrain here
This is a test space that I use to track my strava stats and play with various visualization and Python development options! Enter at your own risk. :)
Clone locally
To run in interactive (development) mode:
$ pip install -e .
Play with the notebooks. I'm not sure that i've setup the authentication in a way that others can use this yet I believe I need to add instructions for setup of your strava app, secret and code.
more to come... :)
To begin install the environment which is conda-forge channel focused.
conda env create -f environment.yml
Then activate the environment:
conda activate strava-lyfe
Optional - install the pre-commit hooks for linting:
pip install -r requirements.txt
and then
pre-commit install
Install the Jupyter lab extension to ensure plotly works correctly
jupyter labextension install [email protected]
If using JupyterLab, install the plotly extension
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab-plotly-extension