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long.chen edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 1 revision

IMANNO (IMage ANNotation Toolkit) is a graphica image annotation software, developed by the Institut of Imaging & Computer Vision, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (

With IMMANO, contours, bounding boxes, ellipses, dots and lines could be made and labeled, serving as the training ground truth for learning based detection and segmentation algorithms.


IMMANO is written in python. You can setup your open python environment and run the to start the main GUI.


  • python = 3.x
  • opencv = 3.x/4.x
  • pyqt = 5.x
  • h5py
  • scikit-image

We recommend using anaconda to setup the enironment. You can use the env.yml file from the code repository to setup a conda environment conveniently:

conda env create -f env.yml

directly runable package:

If you are windows user, you can also download the directly runable package form the release page. The package actually contains the IMANNO code and a portable python distribution winPython with required packages installed.

Working Mode

IMANNO saves annotations as .hdf5 files, one annotation file for each image. Details to Structure of the Annotation File

You can use IMANNO in file mode or project mode, which manage the annotations differently. Current working modes is displayed at the GUI bottem left corner.

The "file mode" will save the annotation file alongside the image file with the same name (different file extension). When opening an image, it also searches the annotation file in this way. While in the "project mode" annotations of all imported images will be managed centrally, saved under the subfolder /annotations/ of the project folder.

open images in the "file mode":

IMANNO lists image items in the file list area on the left side of the GUI. Double click of a certain item will open the image and load corresponding annotations (if exsiting). You can select images through the following two options:

menu -> File -> Open File: selected images will be displayed in the file list area, if a sinlge file is selected, it will be opened automatically
menu -> File -> Open Directory: all images in the selected directory (including subdirectories) will be displayed in the file list area

Worth mentioning again, in the "file mode", annotations will be saved and loaded in the same folder as the image file.

open images in the "project mode":

The "project mode" will only be activated if a project file .improj is opened. To create/open a project, use: menu -> File -> New/Open Project.

After a project is opened, you can use the same options as in the "file mode" to selecte images. But selected images will be imported to the project and saved. Next time you open the project, the imported images will be automatically listed.

The right click menu is also activated in the "project mode" in the file list area. A few commands are available here:

  • New folder: create a folder, which helps to better organize large image sets
  • Rename: rename a folder
  • Import: shortcut of "menu -> File -> Open Directory"
  • Delete: remove an image or folder
  • Search: search missing images, details to Changed Image Locations

If a folder is selected, images will be imported into that folder, otherwise, into the top level hierarchy. Currently, nested folders are not supported.

Make Annotations

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