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Laraval URL shortener

This package is a fully fledged url shortener. At the moment it provides a REST API only. The API is secured with JWT. There are (kinda unstyled) views for redirect events (not found, insecure).


| Domain      | Method    | URI                     | Name          | Action                                                                    | Middleware   |
| api.lg.test | GET|HEAD  | health                  |               | App\Http\Controllers\HealthController                                     | api          |
|             | POST      | oauth/token             |               | Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\AccessTokenController@issueToken        | throttle     |
|             | POST      | oauth/token/refresh     |               | Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\TransientTokenController@refresh        | web,auth     |
|             | GET|HEAD  | oauth/tokens            |               | Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\AuthorizedAccessTokenController@forUser | web,auth     |
|             | DELETE    | oauth/tokens/{token_id} |               | Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\AuthorizedAccessTokenController@destroy | web,auth     |
| api.lg.test | GET|HEAD  | v1/links                | links.index   | App\Http\Controllers\LinkController@index                                 | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | POST      | v1/links                |   | App\Http\Controllers\LinkController@store                                 | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | GET|HEAD  | v1/links/{id}/clicks    |               | App\Http\Controllers\MetricsController@clicks                             | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | GET|HEAD  | v1/links/{id}/info      |               | App\Http\Controllers\LinkInfoController                                   | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | GET|HEAD  | v1/links/{id}/referrers |               | App\Http\Controllers\MetricsController@referrers                          | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | PUT|PATCH | v1/links/{link}         | links.update  | App\Http\Controllers\LinkController@update                                | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | DELETE    | v1/links/{link}         | links.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\LinkController@destroy                               | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | GET|HEAD  | v1/links/{link}         |    | App\Http\Controllers\LinkController@show                                  | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | POST      | v1/login                |               | App\Http\Controllers\AuthController@login                                 | api          |
| api.lg.test | POST      | v1/logout               |               | App\Http\Controllers\AuthController@logout                                | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | GET|HEAD  | v1/me                   |               | App\Http\Controllers\AuthController@me                                    | api,auth:api |
| api.lg.test | POST      | v1/register             |               | App\Http\Controllers\AuthController@register                              | api          |
|             | GET|HEAD  | {hash}                  |               | App\Http\Controllers\RedirectController                                   | web          |



Every time a shortened link is visited and redirects it collects some statistics. This statistics include the following data:

  • referrer
  • date

Safe browsing check

When enabled each shortened link is checked by Google Safe Browsing. If considered harmful the link is flagged and an "unsafe" page is shown before redirecting.

To enable this feature add SAFE_CHECK=true inside your .env file.

Page crawling

When enabled each shortened link gets crawled and certain details are safed in the database.

The data collected is as follows:

  • http_status
  • url
  • url_fetched
  • domain
  • html_title
  • content_type
  • content_length

To enable this feature add CRAWL_PAGES=true inside your .env file.


If you want to build a front-end for additional pages, or modify the 404 and unsafe page you can use tailwind.css. The build process will optimize and create distribution files. The file names include a hash to avoid caching problems and are imported in the pages automatically.

# create development files (includes all tailwind classes)
npm run dev

# creates dev files and watches for changes
npm run watch

# create production files
npm run build

# check if file size is ok (can be configured in package.json)

Before commiting eslint and prettier are executed on the commited files.


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