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kmalone86 edited this page Oct 2, 2019
2 revisions
import sys
import json
import collections
from collections import OrderedDict
import os.path
import ast
import itertools
# Name of file from command prompt, "all" for all files.
fileName = sys.argv[1]
writeOutput = True
printOutput = False
verbose = False
# Special Cases, Damage modifiers
def specialVal(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb):
return None
def specialSimp(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb):
if info['fileName'] == 'cidd.json' and \
str(item['multiplier']) == ' * hero_atk' and \
info['skillName'] == 'Relentless Strike':
cidd = calcMod(item['value'],constVal,rnd)
cidd = cidd.split('[')
cidd1 = cidd[2].split(',')[0]
cidd2 = cidd[3].split(', ')[1].split(']')[0]
#ret = '(S2Active['+cidd1+', '+cidd2+'] * hero_atk)'
ret = '(['+cidd1+', '+cidd2+'] * hero_atk)'
return ret
return None
def specialSb(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb):
return None
def specialSimpSb(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb):
if info['fileName'] == 'cidd.json' and \
str(item['multiplier']) == ' * hero_atk' and \
info['skillName'] == 'Relentless Strike':
cidd = calcMod(item['soulburn'],constVal,rnd)
cidd = cidd.split('[')
cidd1 = cidd[2].split(',')[0]
cidd2 = cidd[3].split(', ')[1].split(']')[0]
#ret = '(S2Active['+cidd1+', '+cidd2+'] * hero_atk)'
ret = '(['+cidd1+', '+cidd2+'] * hero_atk)'
return ret
return None
# Helper functions
def calcMod(val1, val2, rnd):
name1 = None
name2 = None
if str(val1)[0].isdigit():
values1 = val1
findStart = str(val1).split('[')
name1 = findStart[0]
values1 = ast.literal_eval('['+findStart[1])
if str(val2)[0].isdigit():
values2 = val2
findStart = str(val2).split('[')
name2 = findStart[0]
values2 = ast.literal_eval('['+findStart[1])
if name1 is None:
if name2 is None:
newVal = round(val1 * val2, rnd)
newVal = '['
#newVal = name2+'['
count2 = 0
for item in values2:
if count2 is not 0:
newVal += ', '
newVal += str(round(val1 * item, rnd))
count2 += 1
newVal += ']'
if name2 is None:
newVal = '['
#newVal = name1+'['
count1 = 0
for item in values1:
if count1 is not 0:
newVal += ', '
newVal += str(round(item * val2, rnd))
count1 += 1
newVal += ']'
newVal = name1+'['
count1 = 0
for item1 in values1:
if count1 is not 0:
newVal += ', '
newVal += '['
#newVal += name2+'['
count2 = 0
for item2 in values2:
if count2 is not 0:
newVal += ', '
newVal += str(round(item1 * item2, rnd))
count2 += 1
newVal += ']'
count1 += 1
newVal += ']'
return newVal
# Update damage modifers
def constructModString(info, cur, group, sep, rnd, constVal, constSb):
descr = cur[0]
value = cur[1]
simp = cur[2]
sb = cur[3]
simpSb = cur[4]
count = 0
for item in group:
if count is not 0:
descr += sep; value += sep; simp += sep; sb += sep; simpSb += sep
start = ''
end = ''
if item['multiplier'] is not None:
start ='('
end = str(item['multiplier'])+')'
if specialVal(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb) is not None:
value += specialVal(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb)
if specialSimp(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb) is not None:
simp += specialSimp(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb)
if specialSb(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb) is not None:
sb += specialSb(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb)
if specialSimpSb(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb) is not None:
simpSb += specialSimpSb(info, item, rnd, constVal, constSb)
return descr,value,simp,sb,simpSb
def updateDmgMod(fileName, dictVar):
skillJson = dictVar['jsonData']
modList = []
for mod in skillJson["damageModifiers"]:
tmp = {}
for item in mod:
tmp[item] = mod[item]
info = {}
addGroup = []
multiGroup = []
constGroup = []
flatGroup = []
otherGroup = []
info['fileName'] = str(fileName)
info['skillName'] = str(skillJson['name'])
for mod in modList:
groupSwitcher = {
'pow': [constGroup, 'pow!', None, True],
'atk_rate': [addGroup, 'atk_rate', 'hero_atk', False],
'ally_atk_rate': [addGroup, 'ally_atk_rate', 'ally_atk', False],
'def_rate': [addGroup, 'def_rate', 'hero_def', False],
'hp_rate': [addGroup, 'hp_rate', 'hero_hp', False],
'spd_rate': [multiGroup, 'spd_rate', 'hero_spd', False],
'skill_dmg_rate': [multiGroup, 'skill_dmg_rate', 'hero_special_count', \
'self_hp_current_rate': [multiGroup, 'self_hp_current_rate', \
'hero_hp_remaining_percent', False],
'target_hp_missing_rate': [multiGroup, 'target_hp_missing_rate', \
'target_hp_lost_percent', False],
'self_hp_missing_rate': [multiGroup, 'self_hp_missing_rate', \
'hero_hp_lost_percent', False],
'skill_dmg_list': [multiGroup, 'skill_dmg_list', None, True],
'target_hp_rate': [addGroup, 'target_hp_rate', 'target_hp', False],
'self_hp_missing_value': [flatGroup, 'self_hp_missing_value', \
'hero_hp_lost_value', False],
'crit_dmg_rate':[otherGroup, 'crit_dmg_rate', None, False],
'target_spd_rate': [multiGroup, 'target_spd_rate', 'target_spd', False],
'target_buff_rate': [multiGroup, 'target_buff_rate', \
'target_buffs', True],
'target_debuff_rate': [multiGroup, 'target_debuff_rate', \
'target_debuffs', True],
'targets_rate': [multiGroup, 'targets_rate', \
'num_targets', True],
group = groupSwitcher.get(mod['name'])
if group is None:
print('Failed on type '+mod['name'])
if group[2] is not None:
modDescr = '('+group[1]+' * '+group[2]+')'
modDescr = group[1]
if mod['value'] == 0 and mod['soulburn'] == 0:
group[2] = ' * '+str(group[2])
if str(mod['value']).startswith('['):
mod['value'] = str(mod['value'])
#mod['value'] = str(group[1])+str(mod['value'])
if group[3] == True:
group[2] = ''
modDescr = group[1]
if str(mod['soulburn']).startswith('['):
mod['soulburn'] = str(mod['soulburn'])
#mod['soulburn'] = str(group[1])+str(mod['soulburn'])
group[0].append({'value':mod['value'], 'soulburn':mod['soulburn'],
'multiplier':group[2], 'description':modDescr})
constGroup.append({'value':1.871, 'soulburn':1.871,
'multiplier':'', 'description':'constant'})
descr = ""
value = ""
simp = ""
sb = ""
simpSb = ""
simpValCalc = 1
simpSbCalc = 1
if len(constGroup):
for item in constGroup:
simpValCalc = calcMod(simpValCalc, item['value'], 6)
simpSbCalc = calcMod(simpSbCalc, item['soulburn'], 6)
if len(addGroup):
s = '('
descr +=s; value +=s; simp +=s; sb +=s; simpSb +=s
descr,value,simp,sb,simpSb = constructModString( \
info, [descr,value,simp,sb,simpSb], \
addGroup, ' + ', 4, simpValCalc, simpSbCalc)
descr += ')'; value += ')'; simp += ')'; sb += ')'; simpSb += ')'
if len(multiGroup):
s = '(1 + ('
if descr != "":
s = ' * '+s
descr +=s; value +=s; simp +=s; sb +=s; simpSb +=s
descr,value,simp,sb,simpSb = constructModString( \
info, [descr,value,simp,sb,simpSb], \
multiGroup, ' + ', 6, 1, 1)
descr += '))'; value += '))'; simp += '))'; sb += '))'; simpSb += '))'
if len(constGroup) and descr != "":
s = ' * '
sep = ' * '
descr +=s; value +=s; sb +=s;
count = 0
for item in constGroup:
if count is not 0:
descr += sep; value += sep; sb += sep;
#if str(val).startswith('[') is True:
#if str(item['value']).startswith('[') is True:
# simp+=str(item['description'])+str(item['value'])
#if str(item['value']).startswith('[') is True:
# simpSb+=str(item['value'])
#print('descr : '+descr)
#print('value : '+value)
#print('simp : '+simp)
#print('sb : '+sb)
#print('simpSb: '+simpSb)
if 'simpleDmgMod' in skillJson:
if skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['description'] != descr or \
skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['value'] != value or \
skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['simplified'] != simp or \
skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['soulburn'] != sb or \
skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['simplifiedSoulburn'] != simpSb:
print('Changes in '+fileName)
skillJson['simpleDmgMod'] = OrderedDict()
skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['description'] = descr
skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['value'] = value
skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['simplified'] = simp
skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['soulburn'] = sb
skillJson['simpleDmgMod']['simplifiedSoulburn'] = simpSb
# Search Dictionary functions
# Create a list of all variables that match searchVar
def findDictWithVar(jsonData, searchVar, path):
dictList = []
index = 0
for var in jsonData:
if var == searchVar:
dictList = dictList+[{'jsonData':jsonData, 'path':path}]
elif isinstance(var, collections.Mapping):
ret = findDictWithVar(var, searchVar, path+['item:'+str(index)])
if ret != []:
dictList = dictList+ret
elif isinstance(jsonData[var], collections.Mapping):
ret = findDictWithVar(jsonData[var], searchVar, path+['dict:'+var])
if ret != []:
dictList = dictList+ret
elif isinstance(jsonData[var], list):
if len(jsonData[var]) == 0:
if isinstance(jsonData[var][0], collections.Mapping) == False:
ret = findDictWithVar(jsonData[var], searchVar, path+['list:'+var])
if ret != []:
dictList = dictList+ret
index = index + 1
return dictList
# Path Helper functions
# Convert path to type, value
def convertPath(pathStr):
pathType = ''
pathValue = ''
if pathStr.startswith('dict:'):
pathType = 'dict'
pathValue = pathStr[5:]
elif pathStr.startswith('item:'):
pathType = 'item'
pathValue = int(pathStr[5:])
elif pathStr.startswith('list:'):
pathType = 'list'
pathValue = pathStr[5:]
pathType = ''
pathValue = pathStr
return pathType,pathValue
# Check if paths match, * values means all match
def matchPath(pathA, pathB):
if pathA == pathB:
return True
pathTypeA,pathValueA = convertPath(pathA)
pathTypeB,pathValueB = convertPath(pathB)
if pathTypeA == pathTypeB and (pathValueA == '*' or pathValueB == '*'):
return True
if pathTypeA == '' and pathValueA == '*':
return True
if pathTypeB == '' and pathValueB == '*':
return True
return False
# Main helper functions
# Write json into file
def writeJson(outputFile, jsonData):
with open(outputFile, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(jsonData, outfile, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
# Print json to screen
def printJson(jsonData):
print(json.dumps(jsonData, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False))
# Main function
def main(fileName, command, searchVar, newVar, path):
with open(fileName, 'r') as infile:
if verbose:
inJson = json.load(infile, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
dictList = findDictWithVar(inJson, searchVar, [])
if len(dictList) <= 0:
print(searchVar+' was not found in '+fileName+'.')
for dictVar in dictList:
#print('looking at path '+str(dictVar['path']))
# If path variable is set, only process when path matches
if path is not None and path != dictVar['path'] and path != ['*']:
if len(path) > len(dictVar['path']):
match = True
for inHop,searchHop in zip(path,dictVar['path']):
if matchPath(inHop, searchHop) == False:
match = False
if len(path) != len(dictVar['path']):
if len(path) == 0 or inHop != '*':
match = False
if match == False:
# Update damage modifiers
if command == 'damage':
updateDmgMod(fileName, dictVar)
if writeOutput:
writeJson(fileName, inJson)
if printOutput:
# Pre-Main code - Calls main
# Create decoder, so we can decode strings to OrderedDict.
decoder = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
# Get list of all json files
def getAllJsonFiles(dir):
allFiles = os.listdir(dir)
jsonFiles = []
for fileName in allFiles:
if fileName.endswith('.json'):
if 'TEMPLATE'.lower() in fileName.lower():
jsonFiles = jsonFiles + [fileName]
return jsonFiles
if fileName == 'all':
fileList = getAllJsonFiles('.')
if os.path.isfile(fileName) == False:
print(fileName+' is not a file.')
fileList = [fileName]
# Walk through all files and act
for fileName in fileList:
command = 'damage'
searchVar = 'damageModifiers'
newVar = ''
path = ast.literal_eval("['list:skills', '*']")
main(fileName, command, searchVar, newVar, path)