This repo contains a small library to generate simple UIs on different platforms. I am using it for my own games.
Currently this works on Windows and Linux. The renderer is based on SDL2. An OSRE Renderbackend is planned.
- Elements
- Panel
- Buttons
- Labels
- Progress Bar (experimental)
- Platform support for
- Windows
- Linux
- Treeview
- Status Bar
- Default dialogs
#include <iostream>
#include "widgets.h"
#ifdef main
# undef main
using namespace tinyui;
static int quit(unsigned int id, void *data) {
if (data == nullptr) {
return ErrorCode;
Context *ctx = static_cast<Context*>(data);
ctx->mRequestShutdown = true;
return ResultOk;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Style style = TinyUi::getDefaultStyle();
Context &ctx = Context::create("Sample-Screen", style);
if (TinyUi::initScreen(ctx, 20, 20, 1024, 768) == -1) {
ctx.mLogger(LogSeverity::Error, "Cannot init screen");
return ErrorCode;
Widgets::panel(ctx, RootPanelId, 0, "Sample-Dialog", 90, 5, 120, 300, nullptr);
Widgets::label(ctx, 2, RootPanelId, "Title", 100, 10, 100, 20, Alignment::Center);
Widgets::button(ctx, 3, RootPanelId, "Test 1", nullptr, 100, 50, 100, 40, nullptr);
Widgets::button(ctx, 4, RootPanelId, "Test 2", nullptr, 100, 100, 100, 40, nullptr);
Widgets::button(ctx, 5, RootPanelId, "Test 3", nullptr, 100, 150, 100, 40, nullptr);
Widgets::button(ctx, 6, RootPanelId, nullptr, "button_test.png", 100, 200, 100, 40, nullptr);
CallbackI quit(quit, &ctx);
Widgets::button(ctx, 7, RootPanelId, "Quit", nullptr, 100, 250, 100, 40, &quit);
while (TinyUi::run(ctx)) {
TinyUi::beginRender(ctx, style.mClearColor);
return 0;
results to