Add an alias to your terminal such as:
alias l="path-to-launcher-directory-parent/launcher/"
Bash script that swaps system/terminal php versions using Homebrew php installs.
Homebrew, script will check if you have it.
Feel free to use/modify. Developed for personal use.
User settings are now placed into your.launcher.settings.
This file is copied to .launcher.settings, which is not saved in the repo.
If these settings are ever expanded/updated, a warning message will display with instructions regarding maintaining your old settings, into the new settings system.
Message will only show once. Once launcher is ran again current settings will be overritten and lost.
Edit variables within your.launcher.settings.
Script attempts to automatically detect your php path include location.
Ex. launcher 7.2
Ex. launcher [project-name]
Specified items that launcher opens are automatically closed before opening new items. Except for browser tabs, haven't got that working yet.
Ex. launcher 7.2 [project-name]
You may pass multiple parameters at once.
Ex. launcher [-help | --help]
Use '-help or --help' to view help details.
Default variable definitions.
Shows help if parameter passed.
Automates deployment through pantheon environments.
Retreive site php version: launcher.terminus.[site-name].php
Detects if Homebrew is installed, if not exits.
Warns if settings options have changed within your.launcher.settings.
Actually overwrites/creates '.launcher.settings'file from 'your.launcher.settings' file.
Options and parameters handling definitions.
Adds symlinks for various php versions.
Requests php version you would like to switch to, if not passed as an option. Detects current php version, stops, unlinks. Removes php reference. Updates php reference. Reloads php reference source. Links requested php version, starts php. Automatically outputs current system php version after changes with ‘ps aux | grep php’. Automatically outputs terminal php version with ‘php -v’.
Closes open ide windows. Closes open gittower windows.
Opens project in ide editor and your.launcher.settings defined browser.
Opens project url and login route if defined.
Opens project in tower.
Search Pantheon aliases for a site. For instance searching by client code.