Coming Soon
General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive's Coding Bootcamp Capstone Project. Quizzr is an online quiz game application, that allows users to create and play quizzes. The project uses MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node) along with Sass.
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Planning
- User Stories
- Project Status
- Future Improvements
- Acknowledgements
- MongoDB / Mongoose
- Express
- Node
Current ready features:
- User account creation
- User authentication and authorization
- User profile picture updating
- Creating quizzes
- Deleting quizzes
- Playing quiz games singleplayer
MVP: First iteration of project is complete Using Second iteration of project is in progress
Plans for future improvement:
- Make multiplayer lobbies
- Multiplayer quiz game
- Friends feature
- History and leaderboards
- Mobile Responsive
- Excellent support team from our instructor Dalton
- All the frontline staff who encourage us in General Assembly!
- Big thank you to Jake for helping me debug!