Scrapping of Historical Market Values (MV) of football players from using Scrapy. The MVs are collected for each player in the First Tear competitions of a given continent.
Extracts the historical market values for a given continent
- continent: the selected continent
A Python dictionary:
{ player : {name, id, current_team}, market_value : {value, team, date} }
with a set of players info:
- name: player's name on transfermarkt
- id: transfermarkt's unique id number for each player
- current_team: team player was registered for on the scrapping date
along with the historical market values (list oriented):
- value: the players value in euros (ex. 10000000 = 10M€)
- team: the team the player was registered for on the day of the valuation
- date: the valuation date ('yyyy-mm-dd')