Equips Carrot on a Stick automatically when mounted
Works with Classic / TBC / WOTLK
- Now also supports gloves with Riding enchant and boots with Mithril Spurs.
- Supports Azure Silk Belt for increased swim speed and Deepdive Helmet for underwater breathing
- Added an optional button to toggle AutoCarrot on/off.
- Press ALT key and drag to move AutoCarrot button.
2022-07-12 v2.0:
- TBC Update , add Riding Crop (automatically choose carrot or crop)
- Now works with both trinket slot 1/2, just move the carrot/crop to whichever slot you want
- Fix bug where items weren't swapped properly on some occasions (for example after entering instances/accepting summon)
2022-08-06 v3.0:
- WOTLK Update (disable carrot/crop on level 70+)
- Add option to auto disable on instances/raids/battlegrounds/arenas
- Small update to fix LUA errors causes by 11504 patch.
/ac enabled 0/1/toggle
/ac ridingGloves 0/1
/ac mithrilSpurs 0/1
/ac swimBelt 0/1
/ac swimHelm 0/1
/ac instance 0/1
/ac button 0/1/reset/scale