node-red-contrib-azure-table-storage-aleph is a Node-RED node that allows you to work with Azure Table Storage. You can do all CRUD into Table Storage.
It contains one Node-RED cloud node: Azure Table Storage
Node-Red node to connect to Azure Table Storage
This node allows you to do CRUD into Azure Table Storage. It has the following payload format:
"tableName": "name",
"action": "I",
"partitionKey": "part1",
"rowKey": "row1",
"Column": "Value"
- If you send data as JSON, the node will save each key as a column.
"tableName": "name",
"action": "R",
"partitionKey": "part1",
"rowKey": "row1"
"tableName": "name",
"action": "D",
"partitionKey": "part1",
"rowKey": "row1"
"tableName": "name",
"action": "U",
"partitionKey": "part1",
"rowKey": "row1",
"Column": "Value"
"tableName": "name",
"action": "Q",
"selectdata": "columnName",
"fromcolumn": "from",
"where": "equalCondition",
"top": 5
"top" can be 0 or null to retrieve all matches
"tableName": "name",
"action": "DT"
npm install -g node-red-contrib-azure-table-storage-aleph
Follow the instructions here to get Node-RED setup locally.
Open Node-RED, usually:
Go to Hamburger Menu -> Import -> Clipboard
Paste the following code into the "Import nodes" dialog
[{"id":"95f88979.995298","type":"debug","z":"5e92f737.c60d68","name":"Log","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"true","x":843,"y":325,"wires":[]},{"id":"89d5f94e.906ea8","type":"Table Storage","z":"5e92f737.c60d68","name":"Azure Table Storage","x":645,"y":325,"wires":[["95f88979.995298"]]},{"id":"3429d17b.1ea3ce","type":"inject","z":"5e92f737.c60d68","name":"Payload","topic":"","payload":"{ \"tableName\": \"name\", \"action\": \"I\", \"partitionKey\": \"part2\", \"rowKey\": \"row1\", \"data\": { \"Column\": \"Value\" } }","payloadType":"json","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":424,"y":325,"wires":[["89d5f94e.906ea8"]]}]
Double-click the Payload node
Enter your desired payload, following the instructions, into the Payload field and click Done. Check "Inject once at start?" to insert data when you click Deploy.
Double-click the Azure Table Storage node, enter your Storage Account Name and Storage Account Key and click Done.
Click Deploy
Click the square button on the left side of the Register Payload node.
Click on the debug tab to your right and you'll see the device's primary and secondary keys.
You can read more about Azure Storage here.