Python one-liners that I created from scratch utilizing complex algorithms and math. Why just one line? The fun is in the challenge.
With a not so simple single line python command, run a falling characters screensaver in the terminal. Best viewed with green text on a black background. A detailed explantion of the code is in the script file.
Either run the python script or copy, paste, and run this bash command:
python -c "import datetime as d,shutil,time,sys,random as r;sys.tracebacklimit=0;v=lambda k,v:globals().__setitem__(k,v);v('c',shutil.get_terminal_size());print('\n'*c[1]);l=lambda :v('t', or r.seed(t.hour) or v('a',r.randint(1,10**c[0])) or r.seed() or print(''.join(' '[:int(x)%3]+(' '[:t.minute%2]+chr(r.randint(35,91))+' ')[min(1,int(t.second/((int(x)+1)*6)))] for x in str(a))[:c[0]-1]) or time.sleep(1) or l();l()"
This single line python command will run an elegant starry night screensaver in the terminal. A detailed explantion of the code is in the script file.
Either run the python script or copy, paste, and run this bash command:
python -c "import random,time,shutil,sys;sys.tracebacklimit=0;c=shutil.get_terminal_size();print('\n'*c[1]);l=lambda :print(''.join(' .*^~+o'[random.choices(range(7),weights=[200]+[9]+[1]*5)[0]] for i in range(c[0]-1))) or time.sleep(2) or l(); l()"