Storelify is a front-end package that help you to storage all data into one localStorage object in order to keep things tidy.
Storelify stores properties in the _namespace
object in order to keep things tidy. When you set/get/remove/clearAll a property you only have to specify the property name (and value if you are using the set
function), and the service will automatically add it to the _namespace
local storage object. It will create the object if it is not yet created.
npm i -S storelify
Now, you should be able to use Storelify in your components.
import { Storelify } from "storelify";
// Don't forget to pass an env variable name where all properties will be saved, on initialization.
const storelify = new Storelify("__fmb_dev");
storelify.set("__enable_mock", true);
console.log("Is mock enabled?", storelify.get("__enable_mock")); // true
Avalaiable methods:
class Storelify {
set(key: string, value: PropertyValue): void;
get(key: string): PropertyValue | undefined;
remove(key: string): void;
clearAll(): void;
size(): number;
keys(): string[];
has(key: string): boolean;
More detalied documentation here
This project includes: