accurate VCF/GFF3/GTF LiftOver tool for new genome assemblies
- OKAMURA, Yasunobu
- GPL 3 or later
- Parts of dependent libraries are licensed under Apache 2.0/MIT
- Create chain file from minimap2 result
- LiftOver
- VCF file (reorder INFO and FORMAT tags, and rewrite GT data)
- Create VCF and BED from chain file to compare two genome assemblies
Tool | Mapped variants | Correctly mapped variants | Incorrectly mapped variants | Unmapped variants | Incorrectly unmapped variants |
transanno | 37,892,118 | 37,256,006 | 29,730 | 14,713 | 8,669 |
Picard | 37,807,777 | 37,182,636 | 28,765 | 99,054 | 83,004 |
- A chain file was created with minimap2 and transanno.
- A definition of correctly mapped variant is dbSNP 151 common GRCh38 version.
- Since not all variants are included in GRCh38 version of dbSNP, a summation of a number of correctly mapped variant and a number of incorrectly mapped variant is not equal to a number of mapped variant.
Tool | Dataset | Mapped Variants | Unmapped Variants |
transanno | dbSNP 151 common | 37,518,510 | 388,321 |
Picard | dbSNP 151 common | 36,478,197 | 1,428,634 |
CrossMap | dbSNP 151 common | 34,726,126 | 3,180,705 |
- Prepare two genome assemblies. In this document, we call reference as a source assembly that original VCF/GFF3/GTF coordinates, and query as a target assembly that new VCF/GFF3/GTF coordinates.
- Run minimap2
minimap2 -cx asm5 --cs QUERY_FASTA.fa REFERENCE_FASTA.fa > PAF_FILE.paf
- Run transanno to create chain file
transanno minimap2-to-chain PAF_FILE.paf --output CHAINFILE.chain
Thanks to minimap2, you can create new chain file in 30 minute.
- Prepare a VCF file, a query FASTA, a reference FASTA, a chain file.
- You do not need to add
prefix to a contig name - Index files for FASTA are required (create it with
samtools faidx
- You do not need to add
- Run transanno to convert coordinates
liftvcf -m --chain CHAINFILE.chain -o SUCCEEDED.vcf.gz --query QUERY_FASTA.fa --reference REFERENCE_FASTA.fa --vcf INPUT_VCF.vcf.gz --fail FAILED.vcf.gz
- Input files can be compressed with gzip if a file name is ends with
- transanno will compress output files if a file name is ends with
- transanno can handle correctly multiallelic sites, asterisk, dot in an ALT column.
- Output files are not compressed with bgzip
- Please recompress with
to add index toFAILED.vcf.gz
- Please recompress with
- Output files are not sorted.
- If you want to load converted VCF files into genome browser, please sort and create index first.
- e.g.
bcftools sort -O z -o SUCCEEDED.sorted.vcf.gz SUCCEEDED.vcf.gz && bcftools index -t SUCCEEDED.sorted.vcf.gz
- e.g.
- If you want to load converted VCF files into genome browser, please sort and create index first.
- transanno swaps REF and ALT if reference allele was changed.
- Use
to disable swapping REF and ALT. - If you want to convert ClinVar or COSMIC,
option is recommended.
- Use
- transanno rewrite allele frequency, INFO tags, FORMAT tags and a GT tag if REF and ALT columns are swapped.
- If you want to disable these rewriting these fields, please add options.
- transanno prefer same contig name if a variant was multi-mapped.
- When a variant in hg19
can be converted to hg38chr11
, transanno will convert to hg38chr11
. - If you want to disable this behavior, add
- When a variant in hg19
- Multi-mapped variants will be failed to convert.
- If you want to allow multi-map, add
- If you want to allow multi-map, add
- transanno perform left align to chain before converting for accurate conversion
- If you want to disable this behavior, add
- This step takes few seconds if you have a fast storage.
- You can create lift aligned chain file with
transanno chain-left-align
, but output of this command can be invalid chain.
- If you want to disable this behavior, add
- Prepare GENCODE or Ensembl GFF3/GTF file, a query FASTA, a reference FASTA, a chain file.
- Run transanno
transanno liftgene GENCODE.gtf.gz --chain CHAINFILE.chain --failed FAILED.gtf.gz --output SUCCEEDED.gtf.gz
- transanno is not general converter for GFF3/GTF file.
- GFF3/GTF file must be fetched from GENCODE or Ensembl.
- If you want to convert GFF3/GFT entries independently, please use official UCSC's liftOver tool.
- transanno do not modify frame column when CDS contains INDEL
- This is one of known issue, and will be fixed
- Prepare a query FASTA, a reference FASTA, a chain file.
- FASTA files must be indexed.
- Run transanno
transanno chain-to-bed-vcf CHAINFILE.chain.gz --output-query-bed QUERY_REGION.bed --query QUERY_FASTA.fa --output-query-vcf QUERY_DIFF.vcf.gz --output-reference-bed REFERENCE_REGION.bed --reference REFERENCE_FASTA.fa --output-reference-vcf REFERENCE_DIFF.vcf.gz
- VCF and BED outputs are not sorted.
- VCF and BED files are not compressed with bgzip.
- Install Rust Toolchain
- Run
to create test files - Run
cargo test && cargo build --release
- Lift each exon, CDS, UTR features
- Lift a region with chain file
- If length of lifted feature was 50% smaller than original length, mark as failed.
- If length of lifted feature was 150% larger than original length, mark as failed.
- If lift over was failed, mark as failed.
- Multi-map is allowed in this step
- Lift transcript
- Collect lifted exons, CDS, UTR and other features for each transcript.
- If one or more feature were marked failed, mark the transcript as failed.
- Find a chromosome which is included in all lifted features.
- If two or more chromosomes were found, mark this transcript as failed.
- If no chromosome was found, mark this transcript as failed.
- If a part of features were lifted to multiple chromosome, remove lifted region which is not lifted to selected chromosome from candidates.
- Check multi-mapped features
- If some of features were lifted to multiple region in one chromosome, mark this transcript as failed.
- Check the order of exons
- Do not care order of CDS, UTR, start codon, stop codon in this step.
- If order of exons was changed from original order, mark this transcript as failed.
- Check strand of all features.
- If any feature have a different strand from other features, mark this transcript as failed.
- Make new region from features.
- Find smallest start position from lifted features and use the position as a transcript start
- Find largest end position from lifted features and use the position as a transcript end
- If length of transcript was 50% smaller than original length, mark as failed.
- If length of transcript was 150% larger than original length, mark as failed.
- Lift gene
- Collect lifted transcripts
- Collect all chromosome name from lifted transcripts
- If two or more chromosomes were found in lifted transcript, pick up most common chromosome.
- Any transcript lifted into minor chromosome will be mark as failed.
- Check strand of all transcripts.
- If any transcript have a different strand from other transcripts, mark transcripts with minor strand as failed.
- Make new region from transcripts.
- Find smallest start position from lifted transcripts and use the position as a gene start
- Find largest end position from lifted transcripts and use the position as a gene end