MA20102 : Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
- contains codes to execute different numerical methods to solve numerically ODE or PDE
- Refer to examples.ipynb for how to use the method
- call help(NSOPDE.name_of_method) to get details about the method, just replace 'name_of_method' by name of method.
- Euler Forward method
- Newton Raphson Method 1D
- Euler Backward method
- Modified Euler method
- Euler Cauchy Method/Hune Method
- Ranga Kutta method of thita
- General 2nd Order method
- Nystrom 3rd order method
- Hune 3rd order method
- Classical 3rd Order method
- Nearly optimal 3rd Order method
- Kutta Method 4th order method
- Classical 4th Order method
- General Explicit Ranga Kutta method
- Newton Raphson Method for solving for y for a given x in F(x,y) = 0
- Implicit RK Method of order 2
- Implicit RK Method of order 4
- Forward Difference operator
- Backward Difference operator
- Adam Bashford method
- Adam Moulton method
- Newton Raphson Method for solving for y for a given x in y-coeff* F(x,y) = intercept
- Milne Simpson method
- Adams Bashforth Moulton PC method
- Milne PC method
- Euler PC method
- Thomas Algorithm for solving tridiagonal system
- Finite Difference Method to solve general 2nd order BVP
- Methods to solve PDEs