Creating Deep Learning Models for Classification of Sequencing Artifacts in Long-Read Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) Data
The goal of this project is to build deep learning classification models to distinguish artifactual variant calls from genuine artifacts in long-read sequencing data. The three major steps (corresponding to the three notebooks here) for carrying this out are the following:
Processing raw FAST5 files to variant calls which includes:
- Downloading raw FAST5 data from the Nanopore Whole Genome Sequencing Consortium GitHub repository,
- base calling to get FASTQ files,
- mapping to the human reference genome to get BAM files,
- variant calling to get VCF files, and
- intersecting with NIST Genome-in-a-Bottle gold-standard benchmarking data to allow determination of which variant calls were correct vs artifacts.
Preprocessing of the VCFs to a format usable for deep learning modeling which includes:
- extracting sequence context of all variants in the VCF files from the reference genome
- creating a Pandas features-labels dataframe with the sequence context being the feature and artifact/not-artifact being the label
- splitting the data into train-validation and test
- encoding the sequences and labels into Numpy arrays for input into the deep learning models
Fitting and evaluating various deep learning models including:
- multilayer perceptrons (MLPs)
- convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
- recurrent neural networks (RNNs) e.g. LSTMs