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Azure Load Balancer

Demo implementation of Azure Load Balancer with Terraform.


Azure Load Balancer of Basic SKU will be retired in 2025. Use or migrate to Standard.


Create the variables file:

cp config/ .auto.tfvars

Set the required variables:

subscription_id = ""

Create the virtual machines keys:

mkdir .keys && ssh-keygen -f .keys/temp_rsa

Create the resources:

terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve

Confirm if the virtual machines have been initiated correctly:


The NAT Gateway will be created in parallel with the VMs

cloud-init status

Using the Load Balancer

Simple HTTP

The solution will be deployed two virtual machines running NGINX.

Simply call the LB public IP and port 80:

curl loadbalancer:80

This will balance the request across the pool

Inbound NAT rule

An inbound NAT rule with port 22 will direct the requests exclusively to VM001.

To use it, SSH using the load balance public IP, instead of the VM.

For this project configuration in particular, the options TCP rest and idle timeout and floating IP are enabled.

Health extension

This project deploys the Application Health extensions for Linux.