Java GUI Application - Website Password Filler Using Chromedriver. Written and tested on MAC. For Windows and Linux, you need to make some adjustments.
This Application can log in User automatically to a specific webpage with one-page login or two-page login structure. The User needs to add the XPaths (for Username Field, Password Field, and Submit Button) from the website Form into the Application. All the information will be secured and encrypted in the Application Database. The User can click on the website link it created for the Application, and the Chrome Application will launch and fill in the information for the login.
- Develop on JDK 11 and also tested on JDK 14 and JDK 17.
- Load the Maven dependencies into the project (pom.xml).
- Download and extract the Derby driver, add the "lib" folder to the "PFiller" folder, and add to the Libraries in IDE. Derby link:
- Download the Chromedriver the same version of installed Chrome. Chromedriver link:
- Add the Chromedriver to the "res" folder.
- Click on "Run" to start the Application
- Choose a username and password
- Log into the Application
- The Application creates the PFiller folder under user.home
Go to the Settings in Application and click on "Add a new website to Database (one-page login).
Name: Choose a name for the connection (no URL link).
Website: URL link to login.
Username and Password for the site.
Open the website
Click on the username field, click right and Inspect. It opens the HTML Elements on the right. Right-click on the highlighted elements and Copy->Copy XPath. Paste the value into the Username field in the Application. Do the same for the password field and Sing in button ( right-click on the button and click on inspect) and paste them into the relevant fields. If you put all the information, then click on Add.
Click on the top button Reload Database in the Application and click Main.
If you click on GitHub, Chrome will launch and open up the GitHub login page, fill in the user information, and log in. One more click on the same closes the Chrome.
- Build an artifact for the project on your IDEA, and that creates a JAR File.
- The Information about java packaging guide:
- Here is an example for MAC:
/Users/Home/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-14.0.1/Contents/Home/bin/jpackage --type pkg --description "Browser password filler" --vendor "ecrm77" --app-version 1.0 --input input --dest output --name PFiller --icon /Users/Home/Desktop/build/res/pfiller128.icns --main-jar PFiller.jar