This repository contains my personal dotfiles and other configuration files. It's managed with chezmoi.
brew install chezmoi
chezmoi init dvanoni
chezmoi diff
chezmoi -v apply
The following tools must be installed for everything to work. chezmoi will
install them via the
script and the .chezmoiexternal.toml
- asdf - a CLI tool that can manage multiple language runtime versions on a per-project basis
- fzf - a command-line fuzzy finder
- lsd - the next gen ls command
- vim-plug - a minimalist Vim plugin manager
- zoxide - a faster way to navigate your filesystem
uses the Zim Zsh framework, and
installed Zim modules are specified in .zimrc
chezmoi will run the
script to apply custom macOS preferences.
It may be necessary to log out and back in for preferences to take effect.
Set custom preferences by symlinking firefox/user.js
the Firefox profile directory—which can be found by opening about:support
For more info, see
Unique SSH keys are used for each host/service and managed with 1Password.
has been configured with IdentitiesOnly
and IdentityFile
to use the specific key for each host as described in the
1Password docs.
A list of Homebrew packages that I've previously used and want to keep for reference.
The latest active list is in Brewfile
These are generated via Homebrew Bundle.
tap "stripe/stripe-cli"
tap "vitorgalvao/tiny-scripts"
# Java build tool
brew "ant"
# Generate Dash documentation from HTML files
brew "dashing"
# Distributed search & analytics engine
brew "elasticsearch"
# Modern replacement for 'ls'
brew "exa"
# Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
brew "ffmpeg"
# New way to see and navigate directory trees
brew "broot"
# Distributed revision control system
brew "git"
# Git extension for versioning large files
brew "git-lfs"
# Convert source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting
brew "highlight"
# Library to communicate with iOS devices natively
brew "libimobiledevice", args: ["HEAD"]
# DevTools proxy for iOS devices
brew "ios-webkit-debug-proxy"
# Cross platform, open source .NET development framework
brew "mono"
# Persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface
brew "redis"
# Prints a steam locomotive if you type sl instead of ls
brew "sl"
# SOund eXchange: universal sound sample translator
brew "sox"
# Tool to enforce Swift style and conventions
brew "swiftlint"
# Internet file retriever
brew "wget"
# JavaScript package manager
brew "yarn"
# Additional completion definitions for zsh
brew "zsh-completions"
# Stripe CLI utility
brew "stripe/stripe-cli/stripe"
# Quickly repair outdated/broken Casks from homebrew-cask
brew "vitorgalvao/tiny-scripts/cask-repair"
cask "blender"
cask "boostnote"
cask "charles"
cask "daisydisk"
cask "docker"
cask "dotnet-sdk"
cask "fork"
cask "framer-x"
cask "gitkraken"
cask "gpg-suite"
cask "iina"
cask "keybase"
cask "microsoft-teams"
cask "minecraft"
cask "mono-mdk"
cask "mountain-duck"
cask "opensim"
cask "parallels"
cask "pgadmin4"
cask "plug"
cask "rstudio"
cask "sequel-pro"
cask "skype"
cask "station"
cask "sublime-text"
cask "subsurface"
cask "suunto-dm5"
cask "tad"
cask "teamviewer"
cask "toggldesktop"
cask "virtualbox"
cask "virtualbox-extension-pack"
cask "vlc"
mas "Balance Lock", id: 1019371109