- Since http2 is not required, fiber is chosen to run our http server but Go's http package could also serve well for this project provided that number of endpoints are kept small
- Since no mock data is provided, a seed generator was developed to create unique data and insert them into mongodb
- Student and seed student types are separated to allow furthur modification and type conversion during seed process (ex: human date string to golang Time type)
- Writing to spreadsheet performance can be faster using concurrency techniques
The goal of this task is to assess the candidate's ability to build a RESTful service using Golang, interact with a MongoDB database, generate an Excel file, and return the generated file.
Build a RESTful API Service:
- Endpoint: Create a REST API endpoint, such as GET /export-data.
- Functionality:
- Upon receiving a request to this endpoint, the service should fetch specific documents from a MongoDB collection.
- Process the fetched data to generate an Excel file.
Data Fetching from MongoDB:
- The service should connect to a MongoDB database.
- Fetch documents based on specified criteria or parameters (e.g., date range, specific fields).
- Ensure secure and efficient data retrieval, handling potential errors.
Excel File Generation:
- Use a Golang library to generate an Excel file from the fetched data.
- Structure the Excel file with appropriate headers and data formatting.
File Handling:
- Return the created file.
- Source code for the API service.
- A sample Excel file generated by the service.
- A brief explanation of the chosen architecture and design patterns.
Note: If needed, you can add other features to the program to improve efficiency, security and speed.
Use docker or docker-compose to run a MongoDB instance.
Also Provide a username and password for the database inside .env
docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:8.0.0-rc15-jammy
# or
docker-compose up -d
You can run server using go run main.go
or make