This task is based on tracking by detection method. We already have detection results (Bounding boxes) from detector. Our goal is to develope a good tracking algorithm.
- Detection result and frames meta data from google drive.
- If you want to evaluate and visualize, you will need to download nuscenes trainval dataset from Nuscenes website.
- The folder structure should be organized as follows before processing.
├── configs
├── docker
├── ros_ws
├── tools
├── data
│ ├── nuscenes
│ │ ├── maps
│ │ ├── samples
│ │ ├── sweeps
│ │ ├── v1.0-trainval
First of all, cd to your workspace and,
git clone
cd nusc_tracking
# Build the docker imagecd nusc_tracking
cd docker && docker build . -t tracking
# Run the docker image and create a container
If you want to run the same container in other terminal:
docker exec -it tracking bash
Create a virtual path to data folder in docker
cd /home/Student/Tracking
ln -fsv /data data
Put the detection_result.josn
and frames_meta.json
(download from PART1) into your data
# Arguments can be set in
bash tools/
Need to download dataset from nuscenes trainval dataset
from Nuscenes website.
We use ros to visualize our tracking results.
cd ros_ws
catkin_make -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3
source devel/setup.bash
# First terminal
# Second terminal
rviz -d configs/track.rviz # can run out of the docker container
# Third terminal
bash src/