This repository contains solutions for Advent of Code 2024 challenges. Each day's solution is stored in its own folder under src/dayX/
To clone the repository, run:
git clone
Then navigate into the project folder:
cd advent-of-code2024
To install the required dependencies, run:
npm install
This will install Jest for testing and any other dependencies required for the challenges.
You can execute the solution for each day by using the following command:
npm start X
Where X
is the day number (e.g., 1
for Day 1, 2
for Day 2, and so on).
To run the solution for Day 1, you can use:
npm start 1
This will execute the code in src/day1/index.js
To run the tests for the solutions, use Jest. You can run the tests with:
npm test
Alternatively, you can run specific tests with:
npx jest <test-name>
├── src/
│ ├── day1/
│ │ |── index.js # Solution for Day 1
| | └── input.txt # Input file for Day 1
│ ├── day2/
│ │ └── index.js # Solution for Day 2
| | └── input.txt # Input file for Day 2
│ |── ...
│ ├── utils.js # Utility functions (e.g., input parsing)
├── run.js # Script to launch solutions for specific days
├── package.json # Project configuration
├── test/
│ ├── day1.test.js # Jest tests for Day 1
│ └── ...
└── # This file
└── LICENSE # License
This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details.