This repository contains some scripts to analyze simultaneous EEG and ECG recordings.
To detrend the Plethysmography it uses the code available here: Functions for calculating mutual information and other information theoretic quantities using a parametric Gaussian copula:
Overview of the main scripts:
extract_HR_and_epochs_DEAP.m detect R peaks and extract EEG epochs (1 trial)
loop_check_HR_DEAP.m visualize the peaks
loop_extract_HR_and_epochs_DEAP.m detect R peaks and extract EEG epochs (loop over trials and subjects)
calc_temp_inf_HEP_DEAP.m calculate the information theoretic quantities (+ plots)
calc_temp_inf_HEP_DEAP_test_cluster.m test for significance using cluster-based permutation test
calc_temp_inf_HEP_DEAP_test_pixel.m test for significance using permutation test at pixel level