How to Make LLMs Fit into Commodity Hardware Again: A Practical Guide! In collaboration with Oliver Zeigermann.
ODSC Europe [Sept 2024, [ODSC]]
associated blog: Bringing LLMs back to your local machine [ODSC] [blog]
Reinforcement Learning with TF-Agents & TensorFlow 2.0: Hands On. [workshop, in collaboration with Oliver Zeigermann] [slides]
ML summit [Oct 2020, online], ML essentials [Feb 2020, Heidelberg], ODSC London [Nov 2019, London], ODSC West [Oct 2019, San Francisco], data2day [Oct 2019, Ludwigshafen], ML summit [Oct 2019, Berlin]
EasyAgents: Reinforcement Learning for people who want to solve real-world problems. [poster session, in collaboration with Oliver Zeigermann] [poster]
TensorFlow World [Nov 2019, Santa Clara]
Einführung in Reinforcement Learning mit TF-Agents & TensorFlow 2.0. In collaboration with Oliver Zeigermann. [slides]
data2day [Oct 2019, Ludwigshafen]
Reinforcement Learning: a gentle introduction & industrial application [YouTube] [slides]
ML conference [June 2019, Munich]; Strata [May 2019, London]; M3 [May 2019, Mannheim]; bigdata [Nov. 2018, Vilnius]; mCubed [Oct. 2018, London]
Big data - small word: lessons learned [YouTube] [slides]
Azure Bootcamp [Apr. 2018, Zurich]; mCubed [Oct. 2017, London]; data2day [Sept. 2017, Heidelberg];
for abstracts see linkedin
- Zuckerbrot und Peitsche: Experimente für Reinforcement Learning [iX Developer Sonderheft "Machine Learning", Winter 2020/2021, Pages 17-23]
- Isoperimetric Functions of Amalgams of Finitely Generated Nilpotent Groups along a Cyclic Subgroup [The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Volume 52, Issue 1, March 2001, Pages 33–44]
- Interactive Data Analysis: The Control Project [IEEE, August 1999]
- Online Association Rule Mining [Proceedings of the 1999 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, June 1999]
- Isoperimetric functions of finitely generated nilpotent group [Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (144, 229-242) / Elsevier Science, January 1999]
- A Generalisation of the Cantor-Zassenhaus Algorithm [Computing, volume 59, number 4, July 1997]
- Integrating Mathematica into Prolog [Mathematica Journal, volume 6, number 3, September 1996]