crawl facebook public post's information who likes, comments, shares the main method:
- scrapy frame, to crawl post ID
- splash render JS page and simulate human's action
- facebook Graph API explorer
各位上来就 “这个项目要怎么跑通啊?” “接口不对啊,怎么调啊?” 的朋友,你问这种问题的时候,给我转个大点红包,我教你跑通,也算是知识付费。 但是你要是什么都不懂就想不劳而获,去找其他人吧,邮件我不会回的。
欢迎那些交流具体技术的人来邮件,比如说“splash-scrapy 在国内怎么设置代理”等等。 这种问题我会回复。
主要功能:抓取某keywords关键词public posts information.
def spider_idle(self, spider):
# job = self.tasktool.get_job_from_master()
# job test
# defualt url is None. no function to use.
# 这里是入口!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
job = {"task": "facebook_test", "url": "", "keywords": "3dprinting", "ext": {'range': 60, 'max_posts_num': 5}}
if job and self.login_user is not None:
self.__current_job = job
self._task = job.get('task', None)
# Now no function to use url.
# url = job.get('url', None)
self.keywords = job.get('keywords', None)
user_info = job.get("ext", {})
max_posts_num = user_info.get('max_posts_num', 100)
range = user_info.get('range', 60)
fb_api_req_access_token = self.fb_api_req_access_token
requests = self.make_requests_from_job(self.keywords, max_posts_num, range, fb_api_req_access_token)
self.crawler.engine.crawl(requests, spider)
else:'facebook spider no more jobs, shutdown.')
{ "task": task name, "keyword": keywords to search, "url": default is None, "ext":{ "range": time range in days, defaults to 60 days, "max_posts_num": max posts result should return, defaults to 100 } } e.g: job = {"task": "facebook_test", "url": "", "keywords": "3dprinting", "ext": {'range': 60, 'max_posts_num': 5}}
this output is posts about information, likes, shares, and comments.
{ "task": task name, "type": "facebook_post", "keyword": search keyword string, "timestamp": spider crawls timestamp, "post_data":[{ "post_information":{ "post_from_user": post from user name, "post_from_user_id": post from user id, "post_id": post's id, "post_type": "posts", "photos", "videos", "post_content": post's content, "post_link": post's article link url, "post_time": post created time, "post_likes_number": the number of post who likes it, "post_shares_number": the number of post who share it, "post_comments_number": the number of post who comment it }, "post_likes": [ { "id": user's account id, "name": user's name }, ...], "post_shares": [ { "id": user's account id, "name": user's name }, ...], "post_comments": [ { "id": user's account id, "name": user's name "comment_content": comment's content }, ...] }, ...] } e.g: { "timestamp": "2017-08-31 02:11:57", "task": "facebook_test", "keyword": "3dprinting", "type": "facebook_post", "post_data":[{ "post_information": { "post_time": "2017-08-10 21:21:16", "post_from_user_id": "1795995493994251", "post_link": "", "post_comments_number": 0, "post_likes_number": 1, "post_id": "1795995493994251_1904932513100548", "post_from_user": "3Dprinting", "post_content": "Another attempt .", "post_shares_number": 0, "post_type": "posts" }, "post_comments": [ { "comment_content": "No more Shark after Dark?", "name": "George Longoria", "id": "919171418236405" } ], "post_likes": [ { "id": "342765689501430", "name": "Beryl Addison" } ], "post_comments": [ { "id": "650698851696529", "name": "Danit Peg" } ] }, ...] }
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