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My Dot-Files


My core configuration (dot) files, shell functions and utility scripts.

  • ZSH is the leading shell.

  • Bash configs exist for rare cases in which zsh is not availlable, they are not regularly maintained and usually outdated.

  • If not clearly ZSH related, all alias, function, etc. files should be Bash compatible (but not always POSIX compliant).

  • All files use the " \{\{\{( .*)?$" (or {{{ }}} in short) folding comment pattern (use e.g. emacs, VS Code, eclipse)


  • Review functions.zsh and aliases (update ancient code, remove obsolete code, maybe modularize)

  • Include additional shell and python scripts


File / Folder App Description


console ZSH

Common ZSH login shell environment (variables).


console ZSH

Common ZSH logout cleanup


console ZSH

Common ZSH config


console ZSH

OS, distirbution, and/or host specific ZSH configs.


console SH

Common aliases


console SH

OS, distirbution, and/or host specific specific aliases.


console SH

Common shell functions.


console SH

OS, distirbution, and/or host specific shell aliases.


console Bash

Common Bash config (rarely maintained).


consoledelete sign

Currently only loaded from insicede .xsession to prepare the enviroment (variables) without a login shell. It’s basically a copy of .zshenv though the latter can contain zsh specific stuff.


delete sign X, Wayland

Used by the display manager. Currently only loades .profile and .xinitrc.


delete sign X, Wayland

Loaded from inside .xsession or when starting xinit.


delete sign X, Wayland

Common, default and host specific xsession initialization scripts loaded from inside .xinitrc. The common script is always loaded, the host specific script .xsession.d/{hostname} (e.g. .xsession.d/saito) is loaded if existing, else the fallback default is loaded .xsession.d/default.


delete sign X, Wayland

Common and host specific X Resources. The .Xresources file is loaded from inside .xsession.d/common. If a host specific Xresources .Xresources.d/{hostname} (e.g. Xresources.d/saito) exists, it is merged into the common resources.


delete sign IMWheel

General and app specific mouse button/wheel mappings.


edit VIM

VIM configuration


tv show mpv

MPV configuration and key bindings.


tv show MPlayer

Old MPlayer configuration and key bindings (switched to mpv).

ip=(192 168 100 18) printf "ip: %s\n" $(join_by . $ip) exp=$(join_by + $(seq 1 10)) printf "%s = %s\n" $exp $exp

Host / OS specific zsh files

Custom host / OS specific ZSH configurtaions, aliases, functions, xsessions and xresources can be created and they are dynamically loaded in case of a match. This provides a conveniant way to enrich the envoronment in case of a spicific host / os without messing around with the core files.

This is the sequence in which zshrc’s, aleases and functions are loaded from within .zshrc:

 # top of zshrc (always loaded)

 # bottom of zshrc (loaded in given sequence if host/os matches)



The special suffix _wsl is used on Windows Subsystem Linux, this allows the -linux files to be loaded in addition to (followed by) a WSL specific -linux_wsl file.

Some examples can be seen in the Dot-files list above.


File Description


Script to be used from within X (e.g. media key mappings) for media player control (play/pause, perv/next song) and pulse audio volume control (+/-5% and toggle mute) optionally showing an OSD.

Other repository files

File Description

Link all dotfile repo files (except for loacl scripts and documentation) to the user’s home directory. Missing directories are created in the process. It currently moves existing files / links, that would be overwritten in the process, to a backup location inside the home directory.

Updates the dotfile repo file permissions.


This file

Shell Functions

Some of the shell functions contained in .zsh.d/functions.zsh will be described in the following chapters.


Function Description

p_usg USAGE..

Print a Usage text.
func p usg 1

p_msg MSG..

Print an info message.
func p msg 1

p_war MSG..

Print a warning message.
func p war 1

p_err MSG..

Print an error message (stderr).
func p err 1


Print a debug msg if the given debug level is reached.
func p dbg 1
A global debug level can be set via the DBG_LVL variable, in this case p_dbg will use the higher level max(arg-level, global-level), meaning whichever is larger. As a result the global level can be used to globally raise, but never to lower the locally used debug level.
func p dbg 2
So simply set the DBG_LVL argument to 0 if only the global level should be considered. func p dbg 3
func p dbg 4


Print yes in green and no in red color.
func p yes no 1

py_print [-i import] PY_CODE..

Route the given code through the python3 print function.
func py print 1
Use -i to import additional packages.
func py print 2


Function Description


Print 256 ansi color table.
func p colortable 1

tputs STYLE..

Execute multiple tput commands in sequence. Exapmle:
func tputs 1

tp STYLE..

Set one or more tput colors and text effects by (short) name. All values are looked up from a map (no need to run an external process).
func tp 1

Shell Functions

Function Description


Returns the current function’s name: ${FUNCNAME[0]} on bash, ${funcstack[1]} on zsh.


Returns the function’s caller name (if caller is a function): ${FUNCNAME[1]} on bash, ${funcstack[2]} on zsh.


Function Description


true if zsh session, else: false


true if bash session, else: false


true if root (super user) session, else: false


true if in sudo mode, else: false


true if sudo has cached credentials, else: false


true if ssh session, else: false

is_int NUMBER..

true if all given numbers are integers (only digits), else: false. Ignores leading/trailing spaces, accepts leading +/- sign.

is_decimal NUMBER..

true if all given numbers are decimals (only digits, MUST contain decimal separator '.'), else: false. Ignores leading/trailing spaces, accepts leading +/- sign.

is_number NUMBER..

true if all given numbers a either integers or decimals (only digits, CAN contain decimal separator '.'), else: false. Ignores leading/trailing spaces, accepts leading +/- sign.

is_positive NUMBER..

true if all numbers do NOT start with a -, else: false. Ignores leading/trailing spaces. Note: This doesn’t check if the arguments are numbers (it simply checks for a leading -, should always be used in combination with is_int/decimal/number).


Function Description

q_yesno QUESTION

Print the QUESTION and asks for (y)es/(n)o input. Returns true if answer is yes, else: false.

q_overwrite FILE

Checks if the given file exists, if so asks wether to overwrite it via (y)es/(n)o input. Returns true only if FILE exists AND if answer is yes, else: false.


Function Description


Join array / arguments using the given delimiter. On ZSH consider using ${(j:del:)array}.
func join by 1
Note that on zsh the same can be achived via ${(j:.:)ip}. func join by 2


Function Description

cmd_delay DELAY COMMAND..

Execute a command with a delay (using sleep format, e.g. 3m for 3 minutes). Sleep timer example: cmd_delay 45m systemctl suspend.

while_read COMMAND..

Monitor input (read lines) and execute command in foreground using input as command argument. Example: while_read wget to download all entered urls.

while_read_bg COMMAND..

Monitor input (read lines) and execute command in background (job) using input as command argument. Example: while_read_bg wget to download all entered urls.

while_read_xclip [OPTION..] COMMAND..

Monitor X clipboard and execute command using clipboard content as command argument. Example:
while_read_xclip -b -m '^https?://.*' tee -a links.txt "<<<'{}'" | wget -nv -c -i -
to append all http(s) URLs read vom clipboard to a file named links.txt and download them using wget.


Function Description

calc EXPR..

A simple wrapper for dc. Set the decimal scale using the -s option (default: 0).
func calc 1

py_calc PY_CODE..

Routes PY_CODE through python3’s print function with from math import *.
func py calc 1
Apart from this additional import it’s basically the same as py_print so this is also possible (even without the math. prefix):
func py calc 2


Function Description

ytp URL..

Download media files using youtube-dl and aria2c (4 concurrent downloads, 4 threads per host) using the same output file names provide by youtube-dl using the following pattern: %(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s.
Note that this is basically the same as the alias yt but using aria2c for parallel download instead of the integrated, single threaded downloader. When multiple formats are available, all yt* commands will favor free codecs starting with the highest quality streams _(rough codec/format priority: vp9/opus/vp8/vorbis/webm/ogg/*).

ytap URL..

The same as ytp above, but downloads audio stream only preferably to a ogg(opus/vorbis) file. Note that this is basically the same as the alias yta but using aria2c for parallel download.


Function Description

mpv_find DIR [OPTION..] [-a MPV-ARG..]

Find any media file (default: .avi,.mkv,.mp4,.webm, regex match can be changed) and play them using mpv. Allows sorting, fs tree recursion, list-only (stdout, no playback), 'resuming' (from a given index), and passing additional arguments to mpv. Example: mpv_find -r -s -R -a --no-resume-playback will play all videos in the current, and all subfolders, in random order, ignoring mpv’s remsue-playback function.


Convert the given INFILE to mp3 using ffmpeg (INFILE may be any media file containing an audio stream processable by ffmpeg). A bitrate of 160k and default output file name {infilename}-audio.mp3 ise used if no specific options are provided.


Convert the given INFILE to opus using opusenc (infile may be any media file containing audio readable by opusenc). If no arguments are provided it uses the default opusenc vbr bitrate of "64kbps per mono stream, 96kbps per coupled pair". The output file is {infilename}.opus _(currently not changeable).

ff_concat OUTFILE INFILE..

Concatenates all INFILEs into OUTFILE using ffmpeg.


Crop INFILE video using the given ffmpeg crop format (e.g. 640:352:0:64) to the default outfil {infilename}_CROP.{infileext}. Requires imagemagick’s identify.


Function Description

gif_delay FILE

Returns all frame indexes of a gif FILE with their respective delays (speed). It is optionally possible to only list the delays --delay-only or to print only the (rounded) average 1/100 sec delay --average of all frames. In the --help examples are provided on how to change the speed of a gif file using imagemagick’s convert. Requires imagemagick’s identify.

image_concat FILE..

Concatenate images.
TODO: Needs further improvement.

image_dimensions FILE..

Returns dimensions given images in format: {file-name}|{w}|{h}|{w}x{h}|{w*x}|{min(w,h)}|{max(w,h)} (width, height, pixels, shortest/longest edge, etc.). The delimiter | can be changed. Requires imagemagick’s identify.


Icon pack by Icons8


Various configurations and ZSH / bash scripts







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