Welcome! This is gamey, an app that is based off of BlueMaxima's flashpoint, but is not only more lightweight, but also supports server changing and the running of native Windows apps!
If you plan to run the source code, you should do these things first
Copy NW.JS into the "HTML Runtime" folder (for viewing html apps)
install Tkinter 8.6+ and ttkbootstrap (GUI)
and also install Requests (connecting to servers and downloading files)
You can install ttkbootstrap and requests with pip
pip install ttkbootstrap
pip install requests
but tkinter may have to be installed via other means. I would recommend using the Python for Windows installer with the option "tcl/tk and IDLE" enabled.
This program is still in development (it's still in alpha) so, be sure to report any bugs you have with the software to my email! ([email protected])
Gamey by lolghuiy4tgfyu4th7tvtg (byte127x)